Per their Facebook page, it looks like Barcadia is going to be closed until the end of January so they can “revamp” it. No further details were offered.
They should have, idk, “vamped” it in the first place. It was a boring looking dump. Then again, they say that one’s surroundings are the mirror of one’s soul. Nostalgia nerd is a boring, useless bastard.
1 month ago
Hey George 🙂 I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I wish you good health and good money this year, ttyl.
It was okay, mate. I hope you had a good one! Best for 2025!
1 month ago
Just had a look at her latest uploads and it’s all basically whining about how she’s not making enough ad money. Why does anyone watch this utter drivel? She’s such a waste of space.
it’ll all be american cunts and saddo british men. She’s so ugly that you’d have to be either braindead, blind or an “any port in a storm” kind of tosser to even consider finding THAT attractive. What a mess!
Indeed she is. She’s a horrible pig that offers NOTHING to anyone. All of her “this week I’ve been playing..” etc etc, lol, all MADE UP BY THEIR SCRIPT WRITER. It’s beyond a joke.
1 month ago
Truth serum technology has advanced in leaps and bounds lately. She’ll regret chugging that free Babysham once the effects wear off. 😉
Thanks for uploading this frank, honest and informative interview George – hopefully this will prompt the other prominent YouTubers to step up and get the same treatment! 🤣👌
1 month ago
Thanks for this hard-hitting, no holds barred interview. There were some fascinating revelations such as “I also have a very hairy bum”.
It’s my job to provide insightful commentary, and to make my guests feel at ease so that they can express themselves fully. There’s actually an extended cut of this interview (over 20 minutes) that I might put on Bandcamp soon with another thing I’ve done, watch this space!
Per their Facebook page, it looks like Barcadia is going to be closed until the end of January so they can “revamp” it. No further details were offered.
They should have, idk, “vamped” it in the first place. It was a boring looking dump. Then again, they say that one’s surroundings are the mirror of one’s soul. Nostalgia nerd is a boring, useless bastard.
Hey George 🙂 I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I wish you good health and good money this year, ttyl.
It was okay, mate. I hope you had a good one! Best for 2025!
Just had a look at her latest uploads and it’s all basically whining about how she’s not making enough ad money. Why does anyone watch this utter drivel? She’s such a waste of space.
Have you read the comments on that video? All simpering and positive. So it seems that everyone has forgotten about the begging video.
it’ll all be american cunts and saddo british men. She’s so ugly that you’d have to be either braindead, blind or an “any port in a storm” kind of tosser to even consider finding THAT attractive. What a mess!
Indeed she is. She’s a horrible pig that offers NOTHING to anyone. All of her “this week I’ve been playing..” etc etc, lol, all MADE UP BY THEIR SCRIPT WRITER. It’s beyond a joke.
Truth serum technology has advanced in leaps and bounds lately. She’ll regret chugging that free Babysham once the effects wear off. 😉
Thanks for uploading this frank, honest and informative interview George – hopefully this will prompt the other prominent YouTubers to step up and get the same treatment! 🤣👌
Thanks for this hard-hitting, no holds barred interview. There were some fascinating revelations such as “I also have a very hairy bum”.
It’s my job to provide insightful commentary, and to make my guests feel at ease so that they can express themselves fully. There’s actually an extended cut of this interview (over 20 minutes) that I might put on Bandcamp soon with another thing I’ve done, watch this space!