oh, but the funds were ALL ring fenced, mate! well, that is, until we got hold of the bank statements/transaction history and saw that they had been frittered away on the very nonsense they had vehemently denied doing, again and again!
As much as the project was a disaster, you have to remember that David L was Clive’s suggestion. Doomed from the start to have someone like that involved. It’s pretty difficult these days to make hardware. Takes two weeks to do iterations if you’re relying on China to build you prototypes. Even longer if stuff gets lost in the post.
the VEGA+ was all being done in the UK, at reputable manufacturers. It’s just that, by the time they’d gotten anywhere close to manufacturing time, they’d burned all their bridges and then some – and had no money left!
10 months ago
How could you forget backers paying for numerous lovely nights out at Palms of Goa, or for the multiple KFC family buckets for Big Suze, or for the state-of-the-art security systems to deter the non-existent death threats, George?
and, of course, refusing to go to court in case someone chopped his willy off with scissors! well, i didn’t forget, mate, and never will – but all that stuff was covered, repeatedly, in my videos on the whole sorry saga!
A turd in a box is worth two secured by duct tape in a takeaway carton – or so they say! At least it is a (slightly) positive conclusion for the poor backers of the Vega+. In the meantime, have you seen this new speccy handheld George. This is on sale now and by all accounts works – even if it doesn’t have the look / identity of a Sinclair style product, and looks more like a Chinese off the shelf device. Apparently it’s okay but I personally think the 200+ quid price tag is a bit much
Video won’t play 🙁
They’re hosted on Rumble, so when Rumble is having a shit fit then the videos here won’t play. Try later.
Still winds me up all that money wasted on nothing !
Would be useful if as part of a kickstarter etc. you had to ask the backers to authorise spending and show paperwork to get authorisation.
oh, but the funds were ALL ring fenced, mate! well, that is, until we got hold of the bank statements/transaction history and saw that they had been frittered away on the very nonsense they had vehemently denied doing, again and again!
lots of champagne lunches and feathering their nests isn’t nothing, mate. #neverforget
As much as the project was a disaster, you have to remember that David L was Clive’s suggestion. Doomed from the start to have someone like that involved. It’s pretty difficult these days to make hardware. Takes two weeks to do iterations if you’re relying on China to build you prototypes. Even longer if stuff gets lost in the post.
Just been reading about him on Wikipedia… what a perv, seems he’s obsessed with sex robots!
I’m sure he said they should be given to offenders to given them something to take away their urges.
the VEGA+ was all being done in the UK, at reputable manufacturers. It’s just that, by the time they’d gotten anywhere close to manufacturing time, they’d burned all their bridges and then some – and had no money left!
How could you forget backers paying for numerous lovely nights out at Palms of Goa, or for the multiple KFC family buckets for Big Suze, or for the state-of-the-art security systems to deter the non-existent death threats, George?
and, of course, refusing to go to court in case someone chopped his willy off with scissors! well, i didn’t forget, mate, and never will – but all that stuff was covered, repeatedly, in my videos on the whole sorry saga!
We’re just waiting for Barcadia to close and maybe then we’ll get a Kickscammers video from Slops?
A turd in a box is worth two secured by duct tape in a takeaway carton – or so they say! At least it is a (slightly) positive conclusion for the poor backers of the Vega+. In the meantime, have you seen this new speccy handheld George. This is on sale now and by all accounts works – even if it doesn’t have the look / identity of a Sinclair style product, and looks more like a Chinese off the shelf device. Apparently it’s okay but I personally think the 200+ quid price tag is a bit much
I’m definitely going to set that Final Countdown rendition as my morning alarm on my phone.
it’s a powerful rendition!