Elden Ring – Was it really that great?

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The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
5 months ago

To be brutally honest…


I can only echo what you said, whilst i finished it (unlike Sekiro, which i abandoned early on), I found myself questioning myself as to if I had actually enjoyed it.

I’ve been a Soulsborne fan from the start, Bloodborne being the pinnicle for myself, but as the last, big title i ever played before getting out of gaming, I felt I went out on a whimper with this one, rather than the bang i expected.

Game was simply massively over hyped.

5 months ago

Elden ring is my favourite From Software game – I loved it from start to finish. Like all the other souls games aswell and would rank bloodborne a close second. Elden ring is the only one I’ve been able to finish so maybe that’s why lol. For some reason I can’t get into the demon souls remake on PS5 though (I did originally like the PS3 one) 😊

5 months ago
Reply to  George

I definitely don’t think that the Demons Souls remake justifies the price of a PS5 (for me anyway) but I’m sure others would disagree. The backwards compatibility on Xbox series x is great and loads of previous era titles automatically upscale in resolution and 60fps. This doesn’t seem to be such a priority though on PlayStation, and I agree it’s criminal that they seem to show no interest in either updating the frame rate on Bloodborne (it plays the same on ps5 and only seems to load a bit quicker) or giving the game the proper love it deserves – be that on console or PC

5 months ago
Reply to  Bigsky

Sometimes when you change frame rate the difficulty changes or the physics break. But I believe there are hacks to make it 60fps on hacked consoles.

5 months ago
Reply to  Bert

You’d think it would be possible to double the frame rate and double any constants used. But then not everything works in a linear fashion.

5 months ago

Elden Ring was my first FromSoft game and I found it to be an incredible experience. If being in a state of constant terror and panic is seen is as fun then yes, I really enjoyed this game. I’ve since picked up Sekiro and based on the starting areas I think I’m going to enjoy this too.

5 months ago
Reply to  George

Haha. Maybe the ability to run away when things got tough was the appealing part for me.
Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll add Bloodborne and DS3 to list and will keep you updated on hair loss and accelerated cardio disfunction