Those guys who did the Top Shat and Lady D skit need to get cracking on something on this.
1 year ago
Thanks for another excellent vid sir. Just think how bad those fries would be if they hadn’t got an extra Β£25k from their suspicious “all or nothing” Kickstarter. And can you imagine how minging those arcade machines are going to get with the punters smearing this slop all over them. It’s making me heave thinking about it. Wouldn’t go anywhere near the place.
i think at this point that anyone who attends without the sole intention of taking the piss is going to be annoying. everyone who thinks this business, those involved and how they’ve gone about getting to where they are now is “okay” needs their fucking head read. this is a piss take on every level and they’re playing a losing game with other people’s money. it’s now officially reached the level of high farce.
I have fond memories of the arcades I went to as a kid. You could just walk in and put a coin in. There was probably food too and a burger would cost less than a quid. By making this a night venue (presumably because the daytime is taken up running the other place) they’re missing out on parents taking their kids to show them what they used to play.
Ah, makes sense now. Push our tiny cabs and we’ll get you over the line. Those things are designed to be on shelves in the background of youtube videos. Just trinkets to show you’re a “proper gamer” yeah right.
Photo of Barcadia’s “jungle theme”. For 25k I’d expect the walls to be painted dark green with generous lashings of the best fake vines money can buy. Instead it looks like half-arsed Christmas decorations put up by someone who can’t use tinsel because it gives them seizures.
Photos from Barcadia’s launch party are starting to circulate around Twitter. My favourite one is the “dessert fries”, which looks like a pile of chips that’s been swept off the floor and then dumped on a foil container with some marshmallows and tinned tomatoes scattered around.
i was thinking that mate i mean i’ve not been to the uk for ages BUT i can imagine a tenner worth of chips from your average chippy would probably get you a satchel full not some pissy little tin dish full of marshmallows, cherries, spunk and winnits ! who wants that !?
Legally you can replace like for like when it comes to electrical outlets. What you can’t do without sign off is install new circuits, made modifications. I expect that’s what he was doing. Still, that can go wrong. You should use a socket tester after replacing one to ensure the earth hasn’t pulled out.
So from what NN has been posting, they have run a few βtestβ nights at the bar and he did post a short video. I am sure all the backers inside the discord will know what’s going on. Like I have said before this thing will open in time for summer and be closed for winter . The bank of England base rate has just gone up again. People are worried about keeping a roof over there heads and food on the table. No spare funds for a vegan retro arcade bar
It would be interesting to see their research into the demographics of who will use this place. Anyone old enough to remember going to 80s arcades is at least 35-40. Those sorts of people don’t tend to go out socialising as much as the 20 somethings. Very few of my friends go out now, the one that was a seasoned drinker has reduced his intake for a while due to a change in meds.
I have a couple of arcade machines myself, have you played any for a sustained time? I had a game of Gauntlet with a friend and after about 30 minutes our hands were hurting.
He posts some of this stuff to his Instagram account, which is where I saw the ‘test night’ video. Apparently he just got a bunch of friends and family to show up, not sure how representative that’s going to be if/when they finally open for real…
All the valued backers should have been getting that treatment. Maybe the lack minute sponsors were there, had to repay the favour by giving them first dibs.
As we have surmised, he doesn’t want to mingle with joe public. He’s a vegan you know, can’t mingle with people who aren’t on the same ethical level as he is.
Oh you can bet all of the youtube crowd were there. That’s the problem with this whole thing. Why would you back a kickstarter and be treated as second class?
The hierarchy is: 1. Sponsors and other content creators. 2. Backers and 3. The public.
First group won’t pay the bills, second group will be occasional visitors and have “tokens” so you won’t get much cash from them for a while. The public is who you need to get on your side.
Without actually saying where she went, Octavius posted a tweet about how she went to an event that was a 45 minute drive, and then freaking out once she got there, leading to her leaving after just 15 minutes. My guess is that when she got to Barcadia, she had flashbacks about that shitty pub she lived in for a while as a kid.
or she didn’t go fucking anywhere and just posted for the sake of drama and the pages of “you go, hun” that would inevitably follow. honestly this arsehole is planning on helping people through their difficulties ? she’s a joke !
i can’t imagine anyone walking in there surveying the scene and NOT finding it depressing ! it looks miserable. someone was saying sam was attempting to scalp tickets for Β£150 i mean seriously imagine paying Β£150 for that shit !
Yeah, the test nights look totally shit. They really do. The place looks as bare bones as possible. Those poor arcade machines won’t last 10 minutes with drunken people hammering on them, not to mention there appears to be bugger all places to rest your drinks, and only a few tables. How long before those machines become resting places for people’s pints, and then get spilled? It’s been said numerous times, but give it 6 months and they will be bankrupt. And Kim Justice can f***ing do one now. She moans when people call her out, and then openly supports shite like this. Shame on anyone who walks through the doors and hands ferret face their money.
Thing is, I’ve been to some rather odd retro events over the years. I went to a chiptune event in 2013 or so in Manchester at this really run down mansion (Antwerp Mansion?) and it was brilliant.
I went to another chiptune event at this place in Birmingham, can’t remember the venue name but it was like a factory unit, very much a small promoter, in fact they ran out of beer and had to go buy some more π
Why am I on about these? because they felt like you were the cool ones at a small event, the people were friendly, even said “you should come do a set sometime” at their regular pub night. Oh and they didn’t have a kickstarter for Β£25k.
Totally. Soph would be turning in her grave if she could see Kim now. She was totally against greed and corruption. All the pictures circulating simply show greedy YouTubers standing around, desperate to eek out their dwindling “fame”. Also, is it me, or does the bar look like a dodgy Greek restaurant with the scattering of unnecessary vines?
kim always does that. kim deliberately tries to keep people engaged by postic cryptic toothless crap or by making videos like they did about the street with barcadia in it NOT being violent at 9:30 in the morning or whatever then crying when called out for making a video about comments i’ve made about barcadia and the street it’s in because of course the video made had nothing to do with that and lo and behold here they are at the barcadia opening. un-fucking-real. fuck off kim you are as bad as the rest of them !
even then you could at least google it though. the way he points at it “look what i managed” it’s just ridiculous. the place will be a deathtrap if he’s done all the ahem “refurbishment”
Also, why are the updates for backers only? don’t they want people to know how things are progressing and when this place is opening? (or isn’t).
1 year ago
The hole needed to be squared off to the next supporting floorboard and a piece cut to lap onto that and the one with the hole up to the wall, all he has done is make a time bomb trip hazard that will pop as soon as the unsupported bit just snaps.
I still genuinely hope that weβve missed something obvious and the bar ends up being roaring success. Id happily take it on the chin if Iβm completely wrong about the whole charade.
Given the apparently got the keys August 2022 and they’re missing the summer season which is where all the money is made (apart from Xmas), I don’t have high hopes.
oh of course mate same here as always ! i’ve been wrong sometimes in the past and am happy to admit it. i can’t help but feel he’s pissed in his own paddling pool with his attitude though and that goes a long way and people don’t forget !
A few busy weekends and some good reviews will result in them thinking they’ve hit the jackpot. But it’s repeat business you need. This is not an event, you need sustained attendance.
Why are they messing about doing videos of them doing this stuff. They’re literally missing the most profitable time of the year for pubs/bars. They could film someone else doing the work, paid for with some of that cash they supposedly didn’t need.
That floor looks like it hasn’t even been hoovered before he started putting that piece of wood down. Not mandatory, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to work on a DIY repair if the area around it is clean and dust-free and it only takes a couple of minutes.
As for the meat and potatoes of this video… the saying is “measure twice, cut once”. Not “cut once, realise that the piece just cut fits about as well as the bootlid of an Austin Allegro, slice a bit too much off, play with it for a while before finally admitting defeat and putting said piece out of its misery by drilling right through the guts of it”.
I’ve dun goofed like that in the past, and do you know what I did? I measured the hole yet again (in my case it should be “measure thrice, cut once”) and then I cut a new piece of wood with the right fucking measurements the second time around.
FFS I’m only one notch above Tim The Tool Man Taylor as far as DIY competency is concerned, but even I can see that NN has this completely arse about.
I wouldn’t trust that bloke to build a house out of Duplo without catastrophically fucking it up, let alone redecorate a pub.
I can just imagine how Sams father feels watching him do what ever that was. He must be chuffed to bits at the thought he could end up with Grandchildren sired by Catweazle. Even if that was done on purpose to make it look like hes doing something for the benefit of the investors and to make us point and laugh at him it still shows how much of a moron he is.
i can’t help but agree mate it’s fiddling while rome burns at its finest really. an absolute and complete waste of fucking time. plus, did they not get 25k ? why is he pissing about with stuff like that ? hire an expert for fucks sakes that’s about as impractical a performance as i’ve ever seen. beyond shambolic.
it’s an absolute joke mate. i am beginning to think this whole thing might be a massive piss take solely undertaken to underwrite someone else’s debts ….
Thinking exactly the same George. This big scam was just to fleece money from his tiny bit of fame on YouTube, and use it to get his so called failed business partner/girlfriend out of the shit/debt. This bar will never open, these videos withall the excuses will be feed out to all the followers over the next few months, then it will fall on it’s arse.
All these videos are making me sick and hate the bloke even more.
So glad you are calling out these twats and hopefully one day, people will finally pull up this Catweasel / DIY expert prick and give him a clump round the ear.
I don’t think Codemasters got as far as “Wooden floor fitter simulator” in their legendary simulator series.
1 year ago
I’m so glad you made this video, because I saw that time-lapse nonsense the other week and thought “wtf?!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m no DIY expert, but really? All that fannying about for a tiny square of wood in an already broken floor? What? All I can assume is, he thought he needed to demonstrate how committed and hands on he is with this project… but why he thought this video would be any proof of that, lord only knows…
Most likely lol. I see that the wotsitβs latest video is βreviewingβ his new book ha ha. Youβve guessed it – another banal and poorly written / researched a-z – game boy this time ππ
A random find:
Not that funny really.
True. It was a bit shit tbh… no doubt Simon and Codetapper both think it’s hilarious tho.
Those guys who did the Top Shat and Lady D skit need to get cracking on something on this.
Thanks for another excellent vid sir. Just think how bad those fries would be if they hadn’t got an extra Β£25k from their suspicious “all or nothing” Kickstarter. And can you imagine how minging those arcade machines are going to get with the punters smearing this slop all over them. It’s making me heave thinking about it. Wouldn’t go anywhere near the place.
That and a load of annoying people recording videos of them playing games.
i think at this point that anyone who attends without the sole intention of taking the piss is going to be annoying. everyone who thinks this business, those involved and how they’ve gone about getting to where they are now is “okay” needs their fucking head read. this is a piss take on every level and they’re playing a losing game with other people’s money. it’s now officially reached the level of high farce.
I have fond memories of the arcades I went to as a kid. You could just walk in and put a coin in. There was probably food too and a burger would cost less than a quid. By making this a night venue (presumably because the daytime is taken up running the other place) they’re missing out on parents taking their kids to show them what they used to play.
Website shat the bed when I posted my previous comment. I’ll try posting that photo again.
Tiny arcade cabs. Some big uns in the background. I’d rather see one of those custom made bar tops than those scaled down cabs.
well the small cabs are from the people who (allegedly) bailed out the kickstarter at the last minute so presumably they need their pound of flesh !
Ah, makes sense now. Push our tiny cabs and we’ll get you over the line. Those things are designed to be on shelves in the background of youtube videos. Just trinkets to show you’re a “proper gamer” yeah right.
Photo of Barcadia’s “jungle theme”. For 25k I’d expect the walls to be painted dark green with generous lashings of the best fake vines money can buy. Instead it looks like half-arsed Christmas decorations put up by someone who can’t use tinsel because it gives them seizures.
Photos from Barcadia’s launch party are starting to circulate around Twitter. My favourite one is the “dessert fries”, which looks like a pile of chips that’s been swept off the floor and then dumped on a foil container with some marshmallows and tinned tomatoes scattered around.
The offending fries. Not so much Barcadia as barfcadia.
video mate about these and uploaded mate !
video up now about this mate. are they tinned tomatoes or are they……. glace cherries ? :p
Cherry tomatoes? Either way, if that’s Β£10 worth of their nosh then you’re better off going to the chippy.
i was thinking that mate i mean i’ve not been to the uk for ages BUT i can imagine a tenner worth of chips from your average chippy would probably get you a satchel full not some pissy little tin dish full of marshmallows, cherries, spunk and winnits ! who wants that !?
Plus he seems to have an electrical socket next to him waiting to be installed. Fire much…?
I smell an insurance job ahead….
Legally you can replace like for like when it comes to electrical outlets. What you can’t do without sign off is install new circuits, made modifications. I expect that’s what he was doing. Still, that can go wrong. You should use a socket tester after replacing one to ensure the earth hasn’t pulled out.
I mean, he was replacing sockets, not making mods.
Just seen the pictures on Twitter and if thatβs the jungle theme then Iβm Schwarzeneggerβs identical twin. Where did they get it from Poundland?
As well all know, Ashens was helping out and he’s got pound shop stuff to get rid of.
So from what NN has been posting, they have run a few βtestβ nights at the bar and he did post a short video. I am sure all the backers inside the discord will know what’s going on. Like I have said before this thing will open in time for summer and be closed for winter . The bank of England base rate has just gone up again. People are worried about keeping a roof over there heads and food on the table. No spare funds for a vegan retro arcade bar
It would be interesting to see their research into the demographics of who will use this place. Anyone old enough to remember going to 80s arcades is at least 35-40. Those sorts of people don’t tend to go out socialising as much as the 20 somethings. Very few of my friends go out now, the one that was a seasoned drinker has reduced his intake for a while due to a change in meds.
I have a couple of arcade machines myself, have you played any for a sustained time? I had a game of Gauntlet with a friend and after about 30 minutes our hands were hurting.
He posts some of this stuff to his Instagram account, which is where I saw the ‘test night’ video. Apparently he just got a bunch of friends and family to show up, not sure how representative that’s going to be if/when they finally open for real…
All the valued backers should have been getting that treatment. Maybe the lack minute sponsors were there, had to repay the favour by giving them first dibs.
As we have surmised, he doesn’t want to mingle with joe public. He’s a vegan you know, can’t mingle with people who aren’t on the same ethical level as he is.
Probably explains why Kim Justice has been tweeting a lot about Norwich recently…
Oh you can bet all of the youtube crowd were there. That’s the problem with this whole thing. Why would you back a kickstarter and be treated as second class?
The hierarchy is: 1. Sponsors and other content creators. 2. Backers and 3. The public.
First group won’t pay the bills, second group will be occasional visitors and have “tokens” so you won’t get much cash from them for a while. The public is who you need to get on your side.
Without actually saying where she went, Octavius posted a tweet about how she went to an event that was a 45 minute drive, and then freaking out once she got there, leading to her leaving after just 15 minutes. My guess is that when she got to Barcadia, she had flashbacks about that shitty pub she lived in for a while as a kid.
or she didn’t go fucking anywhere and just posted for the sake of drama and the pages of “you go, hun” that would inevitably follow. honestly this arsehole is planning on helping people through their difficulties ? she’s a joke !
She probably looked at those depressing loaded fries and had to leave.
i can’t imagine anyone walking in there surveying the scene and NOT finding it depressing ! it looks miserable. someone was saying sam was attempting to scalp tickets for Β£150 i mean seriously imagine paying Β£150 for that shit !
Yeah, the test nights look totally shit. They really do. The place looks as bare bones as possible. Those poor arcade machines won’t last 10 minutes with drunken people hammering on them, not to mention there appears to be bugger all places to rest your drinks, and only a few tables. How long before those machines become resting places for people’s pints, and then get spilled? It’s been said numerous times, but give it 6 months and they will be bankrupt. And Kim Justice can f***ing do one now. She moans when people call her out, and then openly supports shite like this. Shame on anyone who walks through the doors and hands ferret face their money.
Thing is, I’ve been to some rather odd retro events over the years. I went to a chiptune event in 2013 or so in Manchester at this really run down mansion (Antwerp Mansion?) and it was brilliant.
I went to another chiptune event at this place in Birmingham, can’t remember the venue name but it was like a factory unit, very much a small promoter, in fact they ran out of beer and had to go buy some more π
Why am I on about these? because they felt like you were the cool ones at a small event, the people were friendly, even said “you should come do a set sometime” at their regular pub night. Oh and they didn’t have a kickstarter for Β£25k.
I’m convinced that Kim is just concern trolling at this point. Anything to keep the drama going in the circle jerk.
Totally. Soph would be turning in her grave if she could see Kim now. She was totally against greed and corruption. All the pictures circulating simply show greedy YouTubers standing around, desperate to eek out their dwindling “fame”. Also, is it me, or does the bar look like a dodgy Greek restaurant with the scattering of unnecessary vines?
this comment has caused pure mayhem today on kim’s twitter, whoever you are !
kim always does that. kim deliberately tries to keep people engaged by postic cryptic toothless crap or by making videos like they did about the street with barcadia in it NOT being violent at 9:30 in the morning or whatever then crying when called out for making a video about comments i’ve made about barcadia and the street it’s in because of course the video made had nothing to do with that and lo and behold here they are at the barcadia opening. un-fucking-real. fuck off kim you are as bad as the rest of them !
There’s a glory hole in the gents too! Yum yum!
Ferret features at OLL23…”I’m opening a bar in Norwich and it’s all good fun”.
You’re not having fun in this video you fucking stupid smug cunt broth head.
You can tell someone who has grown up and never done any proper DIY. Probably had to go get a manicure after doing that.
even then you could at least google it though. the way he points at it “look what i managed” it’s just ridiculous. the place will be a deathtrap if he’s done all the ahem “refurbishment”
Also, why are the updates for backers only? don’t they want people to know how things are progressing and when this place is opening? (or isn’t).
The hole needed to be squared off to the next supporting floorboard and a piece cut to lap onto that and the one with the hole up to the wall, all he has done is make a time bomb trip hazard that will pop as soon as the unsupported bit just snaps.
Yep. Or you add support blocks either end. I had to do that when getting under the bathroom floor to route some wires once.
I still genuinely hope that weβve missed something obvious and the bar ends up being roaring success. Id happily take it on the chin if Iβm completely wrong about the whole charade.
Given the apparently got the keys August 2022 and they’re missing the summer season which is where all the money is made (apart from Xmas), I don’t have high hopes.
it’s going to be a disaster mate. this guy is a grifting twat.
oh of course mate same here as always ! i’ve been wrong sometimes in the past and am happy to admit it. i can’t help but feel he’s pissed in his own paddling pool with his attitude though and that goes a long way and people don’t forget !
A few busy weekends and some good reviews will result in them thinking they’ve hit the jackpot. But it’s repeat business you need. This is not an event, you need sustained attendance.
Why are they messing about doing videos of them doing this stuff. They’re literally missing the most profitable time of the year for pubs/bars. They could film someone else doing the work, paid for with some of that cash they supposedly didn’t need.
barcadia didn’t need the cash but maybe another business did…
When you have a big chunk of money you can always slice and dice it.
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick.
That floor looks like it hasn’t even been hoovered before he started putting that piece of wood down. Not mandatory, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to work on a DIY repair if the area around it is clean and dust-free and it only takes a couple of minutes.
As for the meat and potatoes of this video… the saying is “measure twice, cut once”. Not “cut once, realise that the piece just cut fits about as well as the bootlid of an Austin Allegro, slice a bit too much off, play with it for a while before finally admitting defeat and putting said piece out of its misery by drilling right through the guts of it”.
I’ve dun goofed like that in the past, and do you know what I did? I measured the hole yet again (in my case it should be “measure thrice, cut once”) and then I cut a new piece of wood with the right fucking measurements the second time around.
FFS I’m only one notch above Tim The Tool Man Taylor as far as DIY competency is concerned, but even I can see that NN has this completely arse about.
I wouldn’t trust that bloke to build a house out of Duplo without catastrophically fucking it up, let alone redecorate a pub.
Just wait until they try repairing arcade cabs, if they ever get any of their own that is.
i saw one of their cabs recently i think it was house of the dead. looks like it already needs repair it’s a fucking state ! looked very shabby.
They should have left the pub in it’s tatty run down state and made it a theme pub, with the theme being post-apocalypse or something.
A Fallout-themed pub? At least it’d be different. It’d also justify the horrible looking “food” being served up.
Why not. Some of the vegans will look like feral ghouls..
I can just imagine how Sams father feels watching him do what ever that was. He must be chuffed to bits at the thought he could end up with Grandchildren sired by Catweazle. Even if that was done on purpose to make it look like hes doing something for the benefit of the investors and to make us point and laugh at him it still shows how much of a moron he is.
i can’t help but agree mate it’s fiddling while rome burns at its finest really. an absolute and complete waste of fucking time. plus, did they not get 25k ? why is he pissing about with stuff like that ? hire an expert for fucks sakes that’s about as impractical a performance as i’ve ever seen. beyond shambolic.
Most people would just fill that in quick and slap a new floor over the top of it.
exactly. especially with 25k. unless that money went elsewhere, of course.
Catweasel was like Frank Spencer in that DIY clip. Twat.
it’s an absolute joke mate. i am beginning to think this whole thing might be a massive piss take solely undertaken to underwrite someone else’s debts ….
Thinking exactly the same George. This big scam was just to fleece money from his tiny bit of fame on YouTube, and use it to get his so called failed business partner/girlfriend out of the shit/debt. This bar will never open, these videos withall the excuses will be feed out to all the followers over the next few months, then it will fall on it’s arse.
All these videos are making me sick and hate the bloke even more.
So glad you are calling out these twats and hopefully one day, people will finally pull up this Catweasel / DIY expert prick and give him a clump round the ear.
That’s an insult to Frank Spencer.
I know, sorry. Would sooner have Frank Spencer running Scamcadia than that weasel twat.
yes at least frank spencer is a nice person
Some grifters do ‘av em.
Guess you can fit a square block in an oblong hole.
I have not seen quality DIY work like that since Reg Prescott.
If ever Iβve seen a video that needs to have the Tetris theme tune added to it, itβs this one.
He misheard people obviously, they were on about the flaws in his plan.
He knows as much about wooden flooring as he does the subjects he covered on his dreadful YT channel?
Sweet F. A and rather than research it, he just cracks on for da views π
I don’t think Codemasters got as far as “Wooden floor fitter simulator” in their legendary simulator series.
I’m so glad you made this video, because I saw that time-lapse nonsense the other week and thought “wtf?!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m no DIY expert, but really? All that fannying about for a tiny square of wood in an already broken floor? What? All I can assume is, he thought he needed to demonstrate how committed and hands on he is with this project… but why he thought this video would be any proof of that, lord only knows…
I guess he got advice on how to do it from that Hawken bloke π
Most likely lol. I see that the wotsitβs latest video is βreviewingβ his new book ha ha. Youβve guessed it – another banal and poorly written / researched a-z – game boy this time ππ
I don’t tend to watch his channel, but maybe I’ll go have a look as I need a giggle.
Just having a watch and we’re off to a good start, the voiceover has minimal effort “heller everybodde keerer aker the lurd here”.
In fact, I turned on Youtube’s automatic subtitles and it thinks he said “key everybody q a Kevin LED here” priceless π
he’s such a fucking pointless wanker. an absolute cunt. imagine reviewing your own book in all seriousness. keelhauling would be too good for him.
it’s a very hard watch mate everything he says is absolute bollocks. he’s a fucking twat.
It actually looks like he did the typesetting on a Gameboy as well.
If the Wotsit gave one of his own books a scathing review, now that would be worth watching.
I’m sure the technology exists to fake that now π