Barcadia strikes back ! (with sockpuppets)

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1 year ago

I’m no expert but having worked in a business that started in a single industrial unit and then expanded into our next six units (having knocked through to them all) I can comfortably say that it’s a perfectly normal way of doing things. Oh and we also built an extra storey on top of them all. Duh…
Ignorance illustrated.

Fat Albert
Fat Albert
1 year ago

Given the bottom is about to fall out of the global economy (especially the recent move away from the USD to BRICS currencies)… I give them about 9 months from opening and the venture will be wound up,

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Fat Albert

A fresh batch of down votes on all our comments… *sniffs air* yes. The Nostalgia Nerd has been through recently.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

Two backers today, nudging the total up by £5098. They did EXACTLY what we said they would. They pumped in the money themselves to get them over the line. So much for “we will open anyways even if we don’t make the goal” they NEED this money and they need it for reasons other than given in the kickstarter. This is undoubtedly a scam and this has proven it. There’s no way a benevolent backer parts with that much money at the 11th hour. If they had a mind to they’d have done it much earlier.

Peter Leigh, I know you will read this. You are a grifter and a liar and now everyone can see it. I’d say you should be ashamed but you already know how shameful you are, but it never stopped you, because it’s always been your method. Lady Decade, Top Hat, Hawken, RCL, their grifts pale in comparison to the nakedly dishonest, smug, contemptuous and entitled way you have conducted yourself. You are scum and worst of all you’re scum hiding behind the facade of a woke, vegan, millennial nice guy, but even that personality is a lie for the public to see. I hope the retro community runs you thoroughly out of town you predatory, despicable, mendacious stain. Kickstarter should be investigating you and the grifters who collaborated with you.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  George

I look forward to your inevitable video marking this latest development.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

It’s a well established tactic. Although it’s usually done at the start of a kickstarter to add some sort of legitimacy to a campaign.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Exactly. At the beginning. That’s when one might pledge ones own money into the campaign also.

James P
James P
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

People still might pull out at the last moment to torpedo the KS. Let’s wait and see what happens

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

At this point of posting there are 344 Backers with an average pledge of £74 each, my delicate nostrils are detecting the slight whiff of something both bovine and faecal in nature. It’ll need more punters than that to survive. Well done to them though, they’ve pulled through at the final hour and now Norwich will finally have a place where retro loving gamers can hang out and play games whilst chomping on delicious rabbit food. I hope they make a lovely series of videos about the trials and tribulations of setting up such a grand and never heard of before establishment for these are folks are real trailblazers, the original pioneers and innovators of all things retro. Before this, all Norfolk was known for was Bernard Matthews Turkey Drumsticks and Alan Partridge. So hats off to them.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

One observer on twitter has noted that the £5098 that rolled in was a single pledge amounting to £98 followed by a £5000er. Wanna bet Sam or Peter just took out a quick Amigo loan for £5k?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Actually Nostalgia Nerd posted they were on £21,194 with 339 backers, then someone else posted them at £25,274 with 340 backers, which means backer number 340 threw in £4080. The next 2 backers put in £970 between them as NN posted an update of the kickstarter hitting target at £26,244 with 342 pledges. That’s very generous. Imagine all the good causes you could spend that £4080 on. All the homeless folks in Norwich you could help out. But instead, you give it to a couple of self confessed nerds to open a retro arcade pub. There’s no way that £4080 pledge wasn’t by someone connected directly to them or who stands to get their money back. These guys should be ashamed of themselves. Even if on the off-chance it was someone not connected to them – you are a prat for wasting money on a vanity project when you could have used for a decent cause and helped real folk in need.

1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

My English failed me at the end there! No edit button. Still might as well have some more thumbs down.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

Very interesting. Looks like an attempt to break the pledges up to look like more than one.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

And now Quang has waded in with his trademark virtue signaling. Yes access to more arcades is great. But right next door to an existing one, in the esoteric bubble that is Norwich? Why not someplace that doesn’t have one yet?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

I’ve been to the Revival events in the midlands and while I’ve played a few arcades at these events it is pinball which people really go wild for. You can’t really emulate the full electro-mechanical experience of pinball. In my local town there’s a place which has opened up with pool tables, mini-golf and other games. I get the impression this would do better than just another arcade.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I do love a pinball table. However, it’s funny you mention them…

1 year ago

Has anyone noticed the silver membership reward vanished that gave 150 tokens? The gold membership reward was identical but gave an extra 150 tokens for £50, making the extra tokens presumably 33p each at that tier. If they were 50p at silver tier, you could imagine them being a quid each for regular punters. Is one token one credit? That could make your gaming experience somewhat limited unless you’re pissed and decide to throw caution to the wind, which for a pub, is exactly what they’d want. I’m not against tokens, but their lack of transparency over the value of them speaks volumes. Why is it a secret? If you’re getting 10% off for being a member for a year, it would be great to know how much that would save you.
I’ll be honest, if I were to pop along, it would be as part of a day trip to Norwich. I couldn’t really drink so it would be a single drink, maybe some snacks (if I’m going to Norwich all that way for a day out, I’m not eating crappy pub food) and a few goes on their limited choice of machines. I’d take my partner too. A couple of drinks, some snacks and a few goes on the machines between us.. That 10% has saved me about £5 for my one visit in a year. Incredible reward. They should have given backers lifetime discount. If things don’t work out that lifetime won’t be long though!
What a shame they have been so terrible at being transparent. They could have launched this as an exciting attempt to turn Norwich into the retro gaming hub of the East along with Retro Replay. There’s bugger all in that part of the world. But instead they wanted to make out they’re the sole oasis of arcade gaming in a city otherwise bereft of any such thing. Utter plonkers. I don’t dislike these guys like some of you, but I do think they’ve come across unnecessarily smug and misjudged their self importance. Maybe something they can work on between videos of them sweeping the floor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

I subbed to a load of different retro gaming channels but slowly I’ve unsubbed one by one as they’re started to annoy me for various reasons. Seems like youtubers are like bands, they’re all cool and out good work to build a following and then the output quality declines and they become full of themselves. I’m still subbed to the 8-Bit Guy but I can see that one going soon too with his idiotic Commander X16 project where all the scarce soundchips and other DIL chip stock will be used up meaning people are then unable to repair arcade machine and computers actually care about. There’s a reason people use FPGA, they still make them!

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Well apart from his gun fetishes too if it’s the one I’m thinking of e.g walking into a Walmart with a semi automatic over his shoulder… Because he can.

1 year ago
Reply to  R Sole

I don’t think I ever saw that one. But because he’s written a few games in machine code he’s come across as very smug of late. In one of his videos that he took down he claimed he could write a full AI in 20 years if he wanted to.

Part of the problem with the retro channels is there’s only so many systems. Once you’ve covered the bulk of them it starts to get difficult to come up with more content.

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

There’s a full article about him on vice from 3 years ago, after he destroyed a rare computer, that delves into it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Ahhh yes the “Great Reset” (un-subbing).

I started my cull during COVID, where there was ample opportunity for creators to “Build Back Better” with some stunning new material due to the persistent lockdowns a lot were experiencing. alas this did not occur.

Some of the more notable culls include:
– Nostalgia Nerd: Quality of material went to shite – as discussed here
– Retro Recipes: All off a sudden it becomes ultra cheesy and a whole family affair
– ctrl-alt-rees: Spins off into solar power with a tenuous link to powering his retro
– 8 Bit Guy: House renovations & continual pushing Command X16 and his s/ware
– Mark Fixes Stuff: Poor guy was never the same after the fire incident
– Octavius King: She should pivot to a OnlyFans, the content might be better

That being said there are many very small (low subscriber count) channels that have very interesting, if otherwise somewhat unpolished content, that are well worth the time and effort to discover and watch.

James P
James P
1 year ago
Reply to  Irritable

I am not sure what happened to all the retro stuff I used to watch, they all just became so self important

Ashens: I think I am still sub’d to him but his videos never appear in my list so that tell you all you need to know

8 bit: God when I found out about the gun thing that really put me off. Plus all this crap about his pointless retro computer that as other have said will use up vintage chips needed for repairs. The machine will not do anything that others do. He is also king of the “too busy to make videos” mate that is your job what the hell are you doing for 40 hours a week.

Mark: I used to love Mark then the fire and he has really gotten strange. He says he wants to make YT a full time thing yet he makes no videos !

RMC: Ah Neil if we would stop adverting his cave for 5 mins and make videos again that would be good. Also the weirdo wit the arcade in the basement is a creepy fucker and I cant stand him.

Peter: I used to really love his stuff not now. Its all very “phoned in” again he is “too busy to make videos” This is what really winds me up, people want videos not bars, or books.

Sarah: I am not sure where to start with her. She really needs to get of the internet and stay off however this being her only source of income does not help. She clearly has a lot of issues that need worked through. He twitch stuff is just odd and not in a good way. She clearly has simps that enjoy the rat stuff or her having metal health issues on camera. Her book is a whole other thing that I am sure George will cover. Her relationship with Peter is also a strange thing. If I was Sam I might be worried an ex lover who write3 scripts and acts as a camera person but “we are just friends”

1 year ago
Reply to  James P

Actually I don’t have an issue with RMC, the content is relatively strong and he has strongly pivoted to equipment preservation, restoration and making the equipment available in a hands-on museum. Quite a gutsy move as the wear and tear on old (and now fragile and delicate) equipment must be quite high. I didn’t find the way he raised capital to do what he needed to do as “grift driven” as Nostalgia Nerd is making things, and Neil does do some genuine charity work too,

1 year ago
Reply to  Irritable

Retro Recipes is a channel I can enjoy in the right frame of mind, but can’t deal with the over emotional stuff.

An OK Boomer
An OK Boomer
1 year ago
Reply to  MarkyMark

Perifractic’s endless stream of dad jokes and insistence on shoehorning his long-suffering wife and dog into every single video he makes… it’s all so tiresome.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Apart from the whole gun fetish thing + the dodgy as hell funding for the X16 (describes it as a charity, bypasses even the wafer thin safety net of established crowdfunding sites).

Or the general air of ungratefulness when people send him really expensive bits of gear. Although I think he might be afflicted with the condition of that character from The Mary Whitehouse Experience where everything that comes out of his mouth sounds sarcastic.

An OK Boomer
An OK Boomer
1 year ago
Reply to  Chinnyhill10

The best bit is that some Dutch bloke came up with a perfectly good 8-bit computer for $50, and he keeps rubbing The 8-Bit Guy’s face in it. No crowdfunding required either.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

I’d agree with your assessment here. Theirs is a milquetoast idea, that probably wouldn’t be even remotely interesting to anyone were they not attached to it. The sad truth that even though proportionally they’ve not managed to tap into the full extent of their respective fanbase, they can still count on particular fans who never miss an opportunity to be noticed and be near them, and would sign over their last penny to them if it meant they’d get a glance across the bar. Sad, really.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

Has anyone else picked up on this (intentional?) typo on the Kickstarter page?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

One word: “nasty” lol

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago

I reckon it was all meant as a 40th birthday present for Peter, whose birthdate is in April according to companies House, but it got a bit out of hand.

(Now that’s a conspiracy theory 😯 )

Retro Replayer
Retro Replayer
1 year ago

It very much feels like Peter has a met a new woman, she’s determined to set herself up as the vegan chef of Norwich, and she is just using nerd and the others YouTube status to promote and now fund her business ventures. Interestingly, I saw nerd has at least one child from a previous relationship (she he is early videos). The fact he seems so keen not to disclose the fact that he and sam are in relationship seems suspicious as hell to me, given hes been called on it numerous times now. I can’t help but wonder if there is more to the nerd and Sam story…. A broken marriage, an adulterous affair? He’s also not been on YouTube much over the last year. I am speculating of course here. But if wants peeps to invest in his business, I certainly wouldn’t want to invest in someone whose perhaps been playing away from home, and left a broken home in his wake. Of course, this is pure speculation… But by not answering questions and being upfront with people, people are left to speculate and draw their own conclusions.

Gerald Grifter
Gerald Grifter
1 year ago
Reply to  Retro Replayer

Not sure. Sam probably regrets getting involved with him. I wonder what he’ll be like to work with ongoing? I’d bet on him being too busy reading Octav1us’ scripts to do anything useful in the bar.

James P
James P
1 year ago
Reply to  Gerald Grifter

The longer this goes on the more it feels like its money to save Slice and Dice. Sam is “100%” sure its a real business but for a lot of strange and made up reasons her vegan board game cafe is not working out. So plan B open a Vegan arcade bar that we will move slice and dice into during the day and a bar / arcade place and night.

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago
Reply to  George

I take it you noticed that the one comment referred to “the nerds”, this would appear to be a nickname for the couple, confirming the relationship.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

Peter has added a comment referring to Wayne as a troll. Sure he may be spamming the comments but the questions are actual questions. To Peter you are a troll if you ask about the finer points of the business. This whole thing is a mess.

Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Peter, Dazz, whoever. We know you’re here, so go answer Wayne’s questions.

How you know he’s genuinely a troll is unclear to the rest of us. Ignoring him and continually trying to censor his comments just makes you look like you’ve got things to hide.

I’ve encountered barrages of questions like Wayne’s in person in my day job. Remember there are all sorts of people around.

Chris - TRVG
1 year ago

Well with less than 50 hours to go and NO media presence pushing the kickstarter, its pretty much dead in the water.

There’s still 3x £1k slots available which if filled would need £2.5k+ via other pledges to make it happen.. so will any friends and family take the plunge now (that haven’t already donated what they could before)?

Peter and Sam still have the get out clause to cancel the while project as mot being fully ready. Which will recieve no penalty and can enable them to relaunch at a more suitable time, but I suspect if he did that it would show clearly to his backers that all the money WAS going to be wasted and would have no impact on the bars ability to open and run successfully.

Having taking a little walk past Princes Road yesterday, it was warning to see the lights done, fixtures painted, bar in place, and signs of furniture and equipment moving ahead, so still not clear on why this kickstarter is still needed, since they have enough to open without it?

Perhaps more goodwill locally could’ve been a real helper to get the place up and running, a fantastic location, both historic and in scale with a captive audience that could’ve been monopolised easily on would have been to have taken over ‘The Iron Duke’ pub in Gt Yarmouth, massive parking location, huge family holiday residences and owned porporties nearby, only one other resturant close that doesn’t do vegan offerings, beach front location. But does need exterior tlc only to get it back up and running.

I can imagine the footfall would be considerably higher that the proposed site, but hey, I’m sure that was researched before hand.

Again all this site and project screams is a ‘what Sam needs, Sam gets’ cry from Peter to get her the capital to release her from debts with the former site and start afresh with a bigger premises this time using a partners and associates ‘celebrity status’ to garner interest.

As for all those attending the launch party as part of the VIP guest list, it’ll be the normal names, ones who don’t usually pay for tickets and will be treating this as free content to use on their channels to save a week’s effort finding content.

The same people who piled onto Quarter Arcades begging for access to the prototype for review, popped down to Tomb Raider the experience, used to feature in play expo promotions, etc.

Once something bigger comes along, watch how so many slowly move on too..

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris - TRVG

If it’s that close wouldn’t they just tip it over the limit with their own money to collect all the funds? Assuming they’re not being trolled and pledges will be removed near the end.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bone

Yep, I’m actually certain this will happen. Look out for a suspiciously large plegde or two in the final hours. That will be clinching proof.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bone

Looks like they’re at it now. 12 new backers in the last few hours totaling £1100. I reckon we’ll see another flurry of similar sized pledges tomorrow. They’ll be attempting to spread them out to avoid suspicion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

It’ll be friends and family, they’ll pay them back from the “winnings”, with them having to lose the cut that Kickstarter gets.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris - TRVG

The “Owt for Nowt Brigade” as my old Grandma would have called them!

James P
James P
1 year ago

Clearly you have hit a nerve with Peter. If this was such an amazing business idea he would not give two shits about what you are saying. Is he even a you tuber anymore his video output for the last year has been pathetic

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yep, since when has a business expected the customer to pay for the place to open up? Maybe if this was some sort of co-operative with shareholders it would make sense.

An OK Boomer
An OK Boomer
1 year ago

If it’s a static IP address from Norwich, it can’t be Nostalgia Turd. Surely he’d have a NordVPN sponsorship or something.

Code Tapper
1 year ago
Reply to  An OK Boomer

Don’t you know that lot shill anything they get offered, no matter how useless it is or whether they will ever use it or not? Peter would peddle a range of nut and gluten free socks sewn together at both ends if it brought him in some cash, just like that cringeworthy crypto sponsorship he shoehorned into one of his terrible videos.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Code Tapper

That crypto sponsorship which came soon after his tantrum video of “I need more views or Patreons, by the way I’m doing a new book”
Was the beginning of the end for Nostalgia Nerd.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

I can’t remember the last time I saw a NN video I enjoyed. When the opening titles started featuring a load of other names I felt like his input was becoming minimal.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

We have received a huge number of down votes in our replies… Reckon we’ve definitely rattled some cages?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Oh no, with all these downvotes we’ll have to do a Youtube and remove the dislike button.

An OK Boomer
An OK Boomer
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I like seeing all the downvotes. They’re hilarious. It’s not like upvotes can be exchanged for goods or services, it’s just numbers on a screen.

1 year ago
Reply to  An OK Boomer

For some reason, all of this Barcadia stuff just starts off the intro to ‘Sale of the Century’ for me with the immortal line ‘and now, live from Norwich, it’s the quiz of the week’ playing in my head.

I think I need help.

Chinny Hill
Chinny Hill
1 year ago
Reply to  B3tan_Tyronne

Just to be pedantic, Sale Of The Century was never live. The intro went “And now from Norwich, it’s the quiz of the week”. Although in this case replace ‘quiz’ with cun&u^t^c [no carrier]

1 year ago
Reply to  Chinny Hill

Of course, no idea why I said live from, should have checked online before just relying on my old mind alone 🙂

1 year ago

Blaming you for their own failures? Sounds like the Vega farce.

1 year ago

Not sure if this is the wereferret or not but whoever it is is a cowardly fucking weasel.

1 year ago

As good ol’ Fletcher said on Porridge, “don’t let the bastards grind you down”, or in your case – the stupid, stupid BASTARDS!