The whole thing stinks because I know pet owners and if the pet you care about is suddenly seriously ill, you take it to the vet and the cost is just something you have to figure out after. Most of them do payment plans and yeah it sucks getting into debt but if you care about the pet then you suck it up. You wouldn’t have the family cat/dog/whatever lying on the floor twitching and foaming at the mouth while you get your stream going to raise a nominal guess of what it might cost to get them sorted. These rats are just a wacky prop to show how zany they are. Might as well just pay for a taxidermist and wave their stuffed corpses around in front of the camera.
100% agree, spot on, mate. That is what ordinary pet owners do, it’s just normal behaviour. The rats are props, plain and simple. As is her performative ‘grief’ about them.
She got caught out using Horace for years, and when she was asked to make a donation to MS to keep using the character, she refused, had a meltdown on camera (Peepee was directing it I believe) and she switched to rats for her income from simps.
She must know she’s a terrible pet owner, yet continues to acquire rats because it’s her only income stream now.
Christ alone knows how many rats have met their premature end from neglect, lack of food, being crushed in her bed etc. I suspect the occasional rats in my compost bin probably lead a better and longer life than the rats in her “care”, and at least when the cats eventually get them, their lives are ended swiftly.
If she can’t afford the vet bills, she shouldn’t be owning pets full stop.
And imagine if Peepee knocked her up and she had a kid – if she can’t take care of rats, she would certainly not be capable of looking after a child. The begging bowl would be out 24/7 with the combination of Peter’s failing Barcadia bar and her constant e-begging.
I can imagine that would be possible. Another reason why small furries are an odd choice of pet, just can’t abide any pet which you have to keep in a cage. But at the same time you can’t realistically have them roaming about the place.
Don’t really want to defend her, but the whole Paul Andrews “caught her using it” narrative is BS. He’s as much of a grifter as you can get in the retro scene. Her use was protected parody, as far as I can see. Also the donation to charity suggestion was for retrosewprincess (may have that name wrong) who was producing Horace plushies, Octavius just had two copyright strikes from Andrews’ company against her, hence her meltdown.
“don’t really want to defend her” yet you go on to do so, completely ignoring the actual facts of the situation.
1) Explain how Paul is “as much of a grifter as you can get”, being as he puts out multiple products at a decent price point and happily licenses/gives away his IP for usage to people who ask politely – a good case in point being the recent “Horace collection” on Kickstarter.
2) Her use was not “protected parody”. By that logic, I could release Luke Skywalker plushies and be immune to Lucasfilm/Disney intervention. Learn how copyright/IP law works.
3) The donation to charity request was aimed at both of them, as they were both involved in/pushing the plushie “business”
4) Yes, she did get copyright strikes, which is what often happens if you misappropriate someone elses work and/or IP without permission. Her meltdown was solely related to “I’ve lost my ad revenue AND plushie revenue”
“Explain how Paul is “as much of a grifter as you can get”
I’d say the copyright strikes for Octavius (again, agree to disagree with you here George as I believe her parody of Horace in her videos is fair and you do not, I am not referring to the plushies) and then immediately denying he issued any strikes once the backlash hit, the weird situation where he issued strikes against twitter accounts showing a pic of him at the Vega launch after he said they were OK to post, and the weird vague statement he put about about owning Horace “to the best of his and Atari’s knowledge” which made it sound like he didn’t even have concrete knowledge if he really owned the rights to the character. I agree that RGL put out ok products, though, pretty much the same SoC every year in different wrapping that leverage the fruits of the open source movement – but they are very legit.
I certainly can’t defend Octavius’s response to getting copyright striked – it was unhinged as is most of her behaviour you’ve highlighted here, but there’s no way I’m personally lining the pockets of such a slippery character as Mr. Andrews, and to read the Speccy based FB groups a lot of people were put off the recent Horace kickstarter because they were loathe to line his pockets, too, certainly not just “fans” of Octavius.
People are just fucking stupid, tbh. I’ve already explained the story behind the strikes years ago and I’m not getting into it again. Also, Paul isn’t making any money from the Horace kickstarter, either.
Personally I see merit in both sides of the argument. Buying up old IP and “exploiting it” is lazy and if copyright law wasn’t changed to keep Mickey Mouse in copyright all the time then we’d see a lot more creativity and risk being made. What we have now is reuse of IPs from decades ago with poor quality results.
But at the same time, the law is the law.
Oh and I’m loving the new Edit feature. I should learn to proof read before pressing Submit of course.
the thing is, Paul isn’t “exploiting” any IP as far as logic states. He’s just stopping others who are doing so disrespectfully or, in Sarah’s case, to profit from it. That’s what IP law is there for, and I don’t see any issue with that.
exactly, mate, I was saying recently – would any of these people even be doing videos or streams if they weren’t paid handsomely every time they do? NO. Octavius has a tiny audience BUT it’s enough to pay her rent, bills, food, tax etc and leave her with plenty of money for jollies every month. 4 grand or more, on average, per month, for sitting on her fat arse doing nothing. That’s a fucking disgrace. Then she guilt trips people into funding her indolence. It’s beyond a joke now and a LOT of people have had enough of her, so I think 2024 might well be her last year on the internet. Let’s see how all this pans out.
Preston Thomas
10 months ago
Shes a waste of space with no real future at the moment. She’s nothing but an attending seeking leech, sucking all the money from the simps. It’s disgusting on what she’s doing, and it’s only going to end in tears. It’s time she wised up and fucked off the internet. Touch some grass and do some real work.
And it’s not like there’s not any other female youtubers around. I started watching this channel recently and she seems to do her research well.
I have started to watch this young woman on her new channel, and she seems to be clued-up. The videos look good so far, and I am glad someone so young is taking an interest in retro gaming.
At least the old farts like myself are not going to die off and no one’s here to tell the real story within the UK.
Cool. She talks megafast, might have to play the videos slower 😀 I like the video on the old computer books, I have quite a few of those. They came with a Spectrum I got at a boot sale (Spectrum was dead of course, they always are).
I remember her from twitter ~ ‘kari, rhymes with atari’ (which I now realise doesn’t.. unless she’s akari), posting pics of herself in a low-cut top holding some old computer and smiling (which, for me, was pretty grim as she was 18 then, so can’t be far into her 20’s now). I’m a cynical old bastard but I think it’s probably all bollocks just to bolster viewing numbers, however if you find the videos entertaining don’t let me stop you.
I prefer the ‘boring’ old people who actually used the machines at the time and still have a love for them, rather than those who see them as a (now) expensive novelty that can garner patreon funds…. Yes I’d like an Atari ST and no I can’t afford one thanks to these bloody collectors.
It’s mega hard to get a youtube channel to grow so attractive young ladies definitely have an advantage there. But she is covering some topics I’ve not seen done elsewhere on the channels I watch.
f4mi is an absolute legend, she didn’t show her face for years and her videos were always very entertaining and insightful. She has also done a lot of research for “lowspecgamer” who is one of the best youtubers out there covering all kinds of weird bits of retro history, if you enjoy f4mi’s content, definitely check him out.
Her videos are not just gaming, she did a video on the harmony remote controls recently. But covered stuff I never knew about, such as the Nintendo scheme to reward people who went around getting people’s Wii consoles online. And the Wii “startup disc” which was shipped with very early machines (because the firmware wasn’t quite finished).
she’s now said “I’ll take him to the emergency vets – if I need to” so, basically, she’s going nowhere as the rat seems to be perfectly fine now. So that’s £500 she’s got to spend on filling her house with more begged shit in order to make herself feel better. What a cunt.
Definitely not going to end well, that’s pretty clear. Just not a healthy situation at all, and when the simps funding this situation get fed up and move their attentions elsewhere, the whole things going to come crashing down. With NN nowhere to be seen, no doubt.
10 months ago
My adorable boy cat, who is also a fan of rats, requires expensive thyroid drops to stop him wasting away in his old age. Until now I thought this was just my problem and I willingly stumped up for it out of my wages while keeping this fact to myself. But apparently I can go online and get people to pay for it? How do I sign up?
My galgo (Spanish greyhound) required treatment for leishmania, £800 of tests to get the diagnosis, £875 of injections (28 days in a row), I was unable to inject her myself reliably (I tried) so 26 trips to the vets at £32 a go. Every 6 months a £400 or so blood and urine test. She’s also on Allopurinol but luckily that’s only £38 a month. But she’s had skin infections recently too.
sorry to hear that, mate, it’s a big problem over here especially as the owners just leave their dogs in the garden at night to get bitten by sandflies (the main vector of transmission for leishmania).
When I first came to Spain I genuinely thought leishmania was LEASHMANIA and that the dogs just went wild when put on their leads :-/ If only!
Treatment for dogs is MUCH cheaper here in Spain, though, and there have been a lot of advances in the Leish vaccine/treatment sphere over just the last 3-4 years. As usual, the UK are ripping you off for the care BUT it is what it is, you have to pay what you have to pay to keep your companion in as good a state of health as possible. That’s the thing, isn’t it? When you get an animal you have, basically, a contract with that animal that you’ll take care of it. You wouldn’t have kids then leave them in their own shit while panhandling out the front of your house to buy them food/nappies/clothes so it should be the same for animals.
Octavius/Sarah is a lying, manipulative, narcissistic wreck who has nothing left but brazen begging at this point. It’s genuinely disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself. Plus, this begging is ON TOP of the 4k or so she gets a month from her simps. It’s preposterous.
Apparently 80% of dogs in France are supposed to have the leish. She came from Galgos Del Sol and I picked her up in the UK. She’s a right little character, but she’s having a lot of skin issues even though her treatment is complete and was effective.
I can’t imagine that can be true, surely? That seems ridiculously high. What are you feeding your dog? We found that changing the diet helped a lot with skin conditions with Mr B when he was around. He had a lot of dandruff but that went away when we switched to a better brand (wasn’t much more expensive, either)
My kids had 2 rats as pets, and they were well-fed and friendly. Sadly, 1 died during the night (my kids told me in the morning as they knew about it) and by the time I got in to take the poor chap out the other rat had eaten it. It wasn’t too long, and I noticed the other had a stroke and was laying on his side, so I had to take him to the vet to have him put to sleep. Never again will we have little rodents as pets.
quite right mate they die very quickly. they are good for kids in a way because they require very little attention (which is why sarah has them, as she can’t pay any attention to anything but herself), BUT they don’t last any time at all so kids will get upset when they die. They’re not really very interactive, either. Octavius would deny that, and say they “know what she is talking about” etc but that’s complete bollocks. She’s just anthropomorphised them to get money out of them, pure and simple. Also, she raised I believe over 500 pounds last night and for what? That’s NOT going on the rat. You couldn’t spend 500 quid on a rat unless you were having it gold plated. It’s ridiculous just how obvious her scam is, even prefixing it with “I’m going online tonight so you can all give me your money”. What a CUNT.
She’s deluded, plus she’d need to care for a cat or dog. She’s already proved she can’t even care for a rabbit (had to give it to friends to look after). I would HATE to be part of the support network of this absolute wreck. Just endless vampirism coupled with churlish outbursts and a complete lack of respect on show at all times. We all saw how she spoke to PEEPEE at the Barcadia gig. She’s an entitled, pointless mess of a human being that exists online solely because people are stupid enough to fund her. She’s disgusting.
Not sound callous but its a rat, if it really is that sick then the right thing to do is put it out of its misery. Keeping the poor thing alive for your needs is not kind at all
without her rats doing random stuff on stream, she’d have zero to talk about. imo it’s cruelty to animals at this point as she’s already admitted to not feeding them when she can’t be bothered. I once felt a bit sorry for this woman, I just felt she was a bit rubbish and rudderless, but now I see that she’s a horrible, scheming vampire and it’s time everyone knew it!
Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
10 months ago
I think I have sussed out the “code” in her messages.
“The void is near” means “a bill is due”.
Joking aside, the whole point is that “the void” is nebulous. They never know JUST how close she is to it, so their personal donation may just be the one that stops her from slipping into it. I wish she’d slip into it and never fucking darken the door of the internet again, to be honest. A poisonous, entitled hag.
I saw the post of the two of them at a gig where she “lots his absolute shit” and I thought, that looks just like someone with anxiety and agrophobia issues that can’t get out of bed! Absolutely taking the piss, both of them!
indeed, mate. when the money and sympathy are required, it’s “I’m too ANXIOUS – the VOID is so close!” but basically what she wants in these situation is £££ AND to be validated in her inaction by a bunch of people who know zero about her true mental state/scheming. At this point, these people are wilfully ignoring the multiple red flags as there’s no way in which someone with a functioning brain can’t realise they’re being taken for a mug by this skiving wreck!
Oh yes, “he” absolutely lost “his” shit, while wearing a strappy top with “his” norks virtually falling out of it. Another one of Octavius’ ridiculous affectations. That gig was in London, too, so not exactly on the doorstep. Money to fund both the travel and the tickets… just not enough to take care of the pets that supposedly mean the world to “him”.
She was on about taping/strapping them up a while back to appear more like a man. That happened, evidently. She’s no fool. She’s a bubbleheaded prick, right enough, BUT she knows how to play her saddo simp audience like a fucking violin. Everything is closed off, you even have to pay to be in her discord. This is because anyone who got in there and questioned ANYTHING or brought up her shitty, selfish and vampiric behaviour could potentially upset the applecart/earnings and see her exposed – so it’s all locked down. Pathetic, really. She doesn’t even go into the discord “because anxiety”. No, it’s nothing to do with anxiety, it’s because she wouldn’t give those sad bastards the stink off her shit.
The whole “pay for access to my Discord” thing annoys me. Nerd did / does the same – and he also never posts anything in his own Discord server. It’s like “hey guys, pay to chat with me!” but, actually, you can only chat with the other saddos who also paid to get access. The owner is nowhere to be seen. Tells you all you need to know about how they see their “fans”: cash cows, to be milked until there’s nothing left.
If I was to draw a pie chart it would have two segments, “Those who are genuinely feeling in the wrong body”, “Those who are using the trans thing to their advantage” and people who are mentally ill.
The first segment would be about 5%, the second about 60% and 35% for the rest.
stupid fat wreck who pretends to be useless and poor to get simps to fund outings like this, which she attends with her actual friends while spending the money of her online “friends”
I was about to mention that myself, her dancing at a Loudon Wainwright gig. She forgets herself and uploads the photos with “oh it was only momentary, I’ll be back to being an emotionally crippled wreck soon enough” like we are all gullible enough to believe that shit. If she actually has agoraphobia she wouldn’t be able to just turn it off when there’s somewhere fun to go to. If Agoraphobics could do that then it wouldn’t even be a problem for them.
I love the “I’m going to stream tonight to pay his care bill” bit. It basically translates to “I’m going to treat all you suckers tonight with my presence online, so you better keep the money flowing in to pay for MY responsibilities, ok?”
It’s utterly deplorable and insulting. The entitlement is sickening, and the simps who keep funding her anger me to no end. They’re the reason this keeps happening, they’re the enablers. The fact they can’t see how much they’re being mugged off by a con merchant is mind blowing! The delusional stupidity of these people is something that could never be fixed.
It does make me absolutely sick, mate. Those poor rats, too, only around to keep her streams going. When she got a rabbit, she got rid of it quick smart as she’s too useless and self absorbed to care for an animal that requires attention. Why would she pay anything any attention when she’s not getting paid for it?
She’s fully disgusting and she needs to go and find a job but, sadly, employers tend to google people these days. In that respect, she’s well and truly shat the bed over the years and has filled the internet with tales of how inept she is, on every level.
That “I’m going to stream tonight to pay his care bill” bit stuck out to me too. It demonstrates the utter contempt she has for her audience. What she’s saying is that she totally takes it for granted that if she turns up to do a stream then people will send her money, regardless of the quality of said stream. She clearly has zero connection to the viewers and is just using them as her own personal cash machine. It’s fucking deplorable and her simps need to wake up to the fact that they’re being taken for absolute fools.
Yep, I saw a post where she talks about now having money for a “potential” vet visit. So she didn’t even know if she would need any money but just didn’t want to let a good premise for e-begging go to waste. I saw one of her simps talk about how they want to send money to one of the rats for its pocket money. She’s clearly preying on the retarded.
Indeed, one minute it’s “he’s at deaths door, I need vets bills paid NOW” then the next minute she’s “going to take him to the vets if he needs it”. She’s a fucking fat wanker.
The whole thing stinks because I know pet owners and if the pet you care about is suddenly seriously ill, you take it to the vet and the cost is just something you have to figure out after. Most of them do payment plans and yeah it sucks getting into debt but if you care about the pet then you suck it up. You wouldn’t have the family cat/dog/whatever lying on the floor twitching and foaming at the mouth while you get your stream going to raise a nominal guess of what it might cost to get them sorted. These rats are just a wacky prop to show how zany they are. Might as well just pay for a taxidermist and wave their stuffed corpses around in front of the camera.
exactly, mate, this is an absolute joke. She’s a lying, manipulative, fat wreck and she’s playing her audience like fools.
100% agree, spot on, mate. That is what ordinary pet owners do, it’s just normal behaviour. The rats are props, plain and simple. As is her performative ‘grief’ about them.
Peters in BITS
She got caught out using Horace for years, and when she was asked to make a donation to MS to keep using the character, she refused, had a meltdown on camera (Peepee was directing it I believe) and she switched to rats for her income from simps.
She must know she’s a terrible pet owner, yet continues to acquire rats because it’s her only income stream now.
Christ alone knows how many rats have met their premature end from neglect, lack of food, being crushed in her bed etc. I suspect the occasional rats in my compost bin probably lead a better and longer life than the rats in her “care”, and at least when the cats eventually get them, their lives are ended swiftly.
If she can’t afford the vet bills, she shouldn’t be owning pets full stop.
And imagine if Peepee knocked her up and she had a kid – if she can’t take care of rats, she would certainly not be capable of looking after a child. The begging bowl would be out 24/7 with the combination of Peter’s failing Barcadia bar and her constant e-begging.
If I recall, didn’t she once step on one of her rats?
I can imagine that would be possible. Another reason why small furries are an odd choice of pet, just can’t abide any pet which you have to keep in a cage. But at the same time you can’t realistically have them roaming about the place.
yes, and it died.
She admitted that she wasn’t even paying attention properly too
Negligence, you don’t have rats roaming your house, they gnaw cables and all sorts.
Don’t really want to defend her, but the whole Paul Andrews “caught her using it” narrative is BS. He’s as much of a grifter as you can get in the retro scene. Her use was protected parody, as far as I can see. Also the donation to charity suggestion was for retrosewprincess (may have that name wrong) who was producing Horace plushies, Octavius just had two copyright strikes from Andrews’ company against her, hence her meltdown.
“don’t really want to defend her” yet you go on to do so, completely ignoring the actual facts of the situation.
1) Explain how Paul is “as much of a grifter as you can get”, being as he puts out multiple products at a decent price point and happily licenses/gives away his IP for usage to people who ask politely – a good case in point being the recent “Horace collection” on Kickstarter.
2) Her use was not “protected parody”. By that logic, I could release Luke Skywalker plushies and be immune to Lucasfilm/Disney intervention. Learn how copyright/IP law works.
3) The donation to charity request was aimed at both of them, as they were both involved in/pushing the plushie “business”
4) Yes, she did get copyright strikes, which is what often happens if you misappropriate someone elses work and/or IP without permission. Her meltdown was solely related to “I’ve lost my ad revenue AND plushie revenue”
5) The pair of them had multiple opportunities to engage and negotiate with Paul yet they chose to ignore him.
“Explain how Paul is “as much of a grifter as you can get”
I’d say the copyright strikes for Octavius (again, agree to disagree with you here George as I believe her parody of Horace in her videos is fair and you do not, I am not referring to the plushies) and then immediately denying he issued any strikes once the backlash hit, the weird situation where he issued strikes against twitter accounts showing a pic of him at the Vega launch after he said they were OK to post, and the weird vague statement he put about about owning Horace “to the best of his and Atari’s knowledge” which made it sound like he didn’t even have concrete knowledge if he really owned the rights to the character. I agree that RGL put out ok products, though, pretty much the same SoC every year in different wrapping that leverage the fruits of the open source movement – but they are very legit.
I certainly can’t defend Octavius’s response to getting copyright striked – it was unhinged as is most of her behaviour you’ve highlighted here, but there’s no way I’m personally lining the pockets of such a slippery character as Mr. Andrews, and to read the Speccy based FB groups a lot of people were put off the recent Horace kickstarter because they were loathe to line his pockets, too, certainly not just “fans” of Octavius.
People are just fucking stupid, tbh. I’ve already explained the story behind the strikes years ago and I’m not getting into it again. Also, Paul isn’t making any money from the Horace kickstarter, either.
Personally I see merit in both sides of the argument. Buying up old IP and “exploiting it” is lazy and if copyright law wasn’t changed to keep Mickey Mouse in copyright all the time then we’d see a lot more creativity and risk being made. What we have now is reuse of IPs from decades ago with poor quality results.
But at the same time, the law is the law.
Oh and I’m loving the new Edit feature. I should learn to proof read before pressing Submit of course.
the thing is, Paul isn’t “exploiting” any IP as far as logic states. He’s just stopping others who are doing so disrespectfully or, in Sarah’s case, to profit from it. That’s what IP law is there for, and I don’t see any issue with that.
My comments on such subjects are always of a generic nature. Not referring to any people in particular.
Thought that was Top Lady Man Decade in the thumbnail. How will they top animal problems?
Most likely say one of their children is seriously ill, and they started a go fund me.
I wouldn’t be shocked if that happened. It’s all about the money and nothing else.
exactly, mate, I was saying recently – would any of these people even be doing videos or streams if they weren’t paid handsomely every time they do? NO. Octavius has a tiny audience BUT it’s enough to pay her rent, bills, food, tax etc and leave her with plenty of money for jollies every month. 4 grand or more, on average, per month, for sitting on her fat arse doing nothing. That’s a fucking disgrace. Then she guilt trips people into funding her indolence. It’s beyond a joke now and a LOT of people have had enough of her, so I think 2024 might well be her last year on the internet. Let’s see how all this pans out.
Shes a waste of space with no real future at the moment. She’s nothing but an attending seeking leech, sucking all the money from the simps. It’s disgusting on what she’s doing, and it’s only going to end in tears. It’s time she wised up and fucked off the internet. Touch some grass and do some real work.
Shes had a good run, but it’s time to go!
100% agreed, mate. 100%. She’s just taking the piss now. The grift is brazen, obvious and unashamedly parasitic.
And it’s not like there’s not any other female youtubers around. I started watching this channel recently and she seems to do her research well.
I have started to watch this young woman on her new channel, and she seems to be clued-up. The videos look good so far, and I am glad someone so young is taking an interest in retro gaming.
At least the old farts like myself are not going to die off and no one’s here to tell the real story within the UK.
Cool. She talks megafast, might have to play the videos slower 😀 I like the video on the old computer books, I have quite a few of those. They came with a Spectrum I got at a boot sale (Spectrum was dead of course, they always are).
I remember her from twitter ~ ‘kari, rhymes with atari’ (which I now realise doesn’t.. unless she’s akari), posting pics of herself in a low-cut top holding some old computer and smiling (which, for me, was pretty grim as she was 18 then, so can’t be far into her 20’s now). I’m a cynical old bastard but I think it’s probably all bollocks just to bolster viewing numbers, however if you find the videos entertaining don’t let me stop you.
I prefer the ‘boring’ old people who actually used the machines at the time and still have a love for them, rather than those who see them as a (now) expensive novelty that can garner patreon funds…. Yes I’d like an Atari ST and no I can’t afford one thanks to these bloody collectors.
It’s mega hard to get a youtube channel to grow so attractive young ladies definitely have an advantage there. But she is covering some topics I’ve not seen done elsewhere on the channels I watch.
f4mi is an absolute legend, she didn’t show her face for years and her videos were always very entertaining and insightful. She has also done a lot of research for “lowspecgamer” who is one of the best youtubers out there covering all kinds of weird bits of retro history, if you enjoy f4mi’s content, definitely check him out.
I’ve not watched, I don’t think. I might take a look at them both sometime, although I really don’t tend to watch gaming YouTubers.
Her videos are not just gaming, she did a video on the harmony remote controls recently. But covered stuff I never knew about, such as the Nintendo scheme to reward people who went around getting people’s Wii consoles online. And the Wii “startup disc” which was shipped with very early machines (because the firmware wasn’t quite finished).
she’s now said “I’ll take him to the emergency vets – if I need to” so, basically, she’s going nowhere as the rat seems to be perfectly fine now. So that’s £500 she’s got to spend on filling her house with more begged shit in order to make herself feel better. What a cunt.
Definitely not going to end well, that’s pretty clear. Just not a healthy situation at all, and when the simps funding this situation get fed up and move their attentions elsewhere, the whole things going to come crashing down. With NN nowhere to be seen, no doubt.
My adorable boy cat, who is also a fan of rats, requires expensive thyroid drops to stop him wasting away in his old age. Until now I thought this was just my problem and I willingly stumped up for it out of my wages while keeping this fact to myself. But apparently I can go online and get people to pay for it? How do I sign up?
My galgo (Spanish greyhound) required treatment for leishmania, £800 of tests to get the diagnosis, £875 of injections (28 days in a row), I was unable to inject her myself reliably (I tried) so 26 trips to the vets at £32 a go. Every 6 months a £400 or so blood and urine test. She’s also on Allopurinol but luckily that’s only £38 a month. But she’s had skin infections recently too.
sorry to hear that, mate, it’s a big problem over here especially as the owners just leave their dogs in the garden at night to get bitten by sandflies (the main vector of transmission for leishmania).
When I first came to Spain I genuinely thought leishmania was LEASHMANIA and that the dogs just went wild when put on their leads :-/ If only!
Treatment for dogs is MUCH cheaper here in Spain, though, and there have been a lot of advances in the Leish vaccine/treatment sphere over just the last 3-4 years. As usual, the UK are ripping you off for the care BUT it is what it is, you have to pay what you have to pay to keep your companion in as good a state of health as possible. That’s the thing, isn’t it? When you get an animal you have, basically, a contract with that animal that you’ll take care of it. You wouldn’t have kids then leave them in their own shit while panhandling out the front of your house to buy them food/nappies/clothes so it should be the same for animals.
Octavius/Sarah is a lying, manipulative, narcissistic wreck who has nothing left but brazen begging at this point. It’s genuinely disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself. Plus, this begging is ON TOP of the 4k or so she gets a month from her simps. It’s preposterous.
Apparently 80% of dogs in France are supposed to have the leish. She came from Galgos Del Sol and I picked her up in the UK. She’s a right little character, but she’s having a lot of skin issues even though her treatment is complete and was effective.
I can’t imagine that can be true, surely? That seems ridiculously high. What are you feeding your dog? We found that changing the diet helped a lot with skin conditions with Mr B when he was around. He had a lot of dandruff but that went away when we switched to a better brand (wasn’t much more expensive, either)
I’ve looked up the figure and it is 80% “can be” infected in France, not have been. It was something like 40% in Rome years ago.
I’m feeding her quality food, nothing too expensive. Urine tests have shown no crystals anyway.
that makes more sense, for sure.
Can never understand people who think rats etc are good pets. Just get a cat or a dogs for gods sake.
My kids had 2 rats as pets, and they were well-fed and friendly. Sadly, 1 died during the night (my kids told me in the morning as they knew about it) and by the time I got in to take the poor chap out the other rat had eaten it. It wasn’t too long, and I noticed the other had a stroke and was laying on his side, so I had to take him to the vet to have him put to sleep. Never again will we have little rodents as pets.
quite right mate they die very quickly. they are good for kids in a way because they require very little attention (which is why sarah has them, as she can’t pay any attention to anything but herself), BUT they don’t last any time at all so kids will get upset when they die. They’re not really very interactive, either. Octavius would deny that, and say they “know what she is talking about” etc but that’s complete bollocks. She’s just anthropomorphised them to get money out of them, pure and simple. Also, she raised I believe over 500 pounds last night and for what? That’s NOT going on the rat. You couldn’t spend 500 quid on a rat unless you were having it gold plated. It’s ridiculous just how obvious her scam is, even prefixing it with “I’m going online tonight so you can all give me your money”. What a CUNT.
I’ve had hamsters and it’s all the cleaning, sterilising the cage etc which is a drag. None of that with a dog.
She’s deluded, plus she’d need to care for a cat or dog. She’s already proved she can’t even care for a rabbit (had to give it to friends to look after). I would HATE to be part of the support network of this absolute wreck. Just endless vampirism coupled with churlish outbursts and a complete lack of respect on show at all times. We all saw how she spoke to PEEPEE at the Barcadia gig. She’s an entitled, pointless mess of a human being that exists online solely because people are stupid enough to fund her. She’s disgusting.
Not sound callous but its a rat, if it really is that sick then the right thing to do is put it out of its misery. Keeping the poor thing alive for your needs is not kind at all
without her rats doing random stuff on stream, she’d have zero to talk about. imo it’s cruelty to animals at this point as she’s already admitted to not feeding them when she can’t be bothered. I once felt a bit sorry for this woman, I just felt she was a bit rubbish and rudderless, but now I see that she’s a horrible, scheming vampire and it’s time everyone knew it!
I think I have sussed out the “code” in her messages.
“The void is near” means “a bill is due”.
The void she refers to is an empty bank account. Ohhh dear the void is near! Please top it up, simpies!
that’s exactly it, mate. it means she needs sympathy but in her world sympathy is cash. that’s it.
“The void is near” – Could mean a number of things. The Nerd is outside? I’d say Barcadia but that’s more of a black hole.
Joking aside, the whole point is that “the void” is nebulous. They never know JUST how close she is to it, so their personal donation may just be the one that stops her from slipping into it. I wish she’d slip into it and never fucking darken the door of the internet again, to be honest. A poisonous, entitled hag.
I saw the post of the two of them at a gig where she “lots his absolute shit” and I thought, that looks just like someone with anxiety and agrophobia issues that can’t get out of bed! Absolutely taking the piss, both of them!
indeed, mate. when the money and sympathy are required, it’s “I’m too ANXIOUS – the VOID is so close!” but basically what she wants in these situation is £££ AND to be validated in her inaction by a bunch of people who know zero about her true mental state/scheming. At this point, these people are wilfully ignoring the multiple red flags as there’s no way in which someone with a functioning brain can’t realise they’re being taken for a mug by this skiving wreck!
Oh yes, “he” absolutely lost “his” shit, while wearing a strappy top with “his” norks virtually falling out of it. Another one of Octavius’ ridiculous affectations. That gig was in London, too, so not exactly on the doorstep. Money to fund both the travel and the tickets… just not enough to take care of the pets that supposedly mean the world to “him”.
If those norks were to ever disappear so would the revenue stream.
She was on about taping/strapping them up a while back to appear more like a man. That happened, evidently. She’s no fool. She’s a bubbleheaded prick, right enough, BUT she knows how to play her saddo simp audience like a fucking violin. Everything is closed off, you even have to pay to be in her discord. This is because anyone who got in there and questioned ANYTHING or brought up her shitty, selfish and vampiric behaviour could potentially upset the applecart/earnings and see her exposed – so it’s all locked down. Pathetic, really. She doesn’t even go into the discord “because anxiety”. No, it’s nothing to do with anxiety, it’s because she wouldn’t give those sad bastards the stink off her shit.
The whole “pay for access to my Discord” thing annoys me. Nerd did / does the same – and he also never posts anything in his own Discord server. It’s like “hey guys, pay to chat with me!” but, actually, you can only chat with the other saddos who also paid to get access. The owner is nowhere to be seen. Tells you all you need to know about how they see their “fans”: cash cows, to be milked until there’s nothing left.
If I was to draw a pie chart it would have two segments, “Those who are genuinely feeling in the wrong body”, “Those who are using the trans thing to their advantage” and people who are mentally ill.
The first segment would be about 5%, the second about 60% and 35% for the rest.
Three segments not two. I wish there was an edit button here 🙂
Geezer just added one on your request 😛 You’ve now got 10 minutes to edit posts 🙂
stupid fat wreck who pretends to be useless and poor to get simps to fund outings like this, which she attends with her actual friends while spending the money of her online “friends”
I was about to mention that myself, her dancing at a Loudon Wainwright gig. She forgets herself and uploads the photos with “oh it was only momentary, I’ll be back to being an emotionally crippled wreck soon enough” like we are all gullible enough to believe that shit. If she actually has agoraphobia she wouldn’t be able to just turn it off when there’s somewhere fun to go to. If Agoraphobics could do that then it wouldn’t even be a problem for them.
I love the “I’m going to stream tonight to pay his care bill” bit. It basically translates to “I’m going to treat all you suckers tonight with my presence online, so you better keep the money flowing in to pay for MY responsibilities, ok?”
It’s utterly deplorable and insulting. The entitlement is sickening, and the simps who keep funding her anger me to no end. They’re the reason this keeps happening, they’re the enablers. The fact they can’t see how much they’re being mugged off by a con merchant is mind blowing! The delusional stupidity of these people is something that could never be fixed.
It does make me absolutely sick, mate. Those poor rats, too, only around to keep her streams going. When she got a rabbit, she got rid of it quick smart as she’s too useless and self absorbed to care for an animal that requires attention. Why would she pay anything any attention when she’s not getting paid for it?
She’s fully disgusting and she needs to go and find a job but, sadly, employers tend to google people these days. In that respect, she’s well and truly shat the bed over the years and has filled the internet with tales of how inept she is, on every level.
That “I’m going to stream tonight to pay his care bill” bit stuck out to me too. It demonstrates the utter contempt she has for her audience. What she’s saying is that she totally takes it for granted that if she turns up to do a stream then people will send her money, regardless of the quality of said stream. She clearly has zero connection to the viewers and is just using them as her own personal cash machine. It’s fucking deplorable and her simps need to wake up to the fact that they’re being taken for absolute fools.
now it’s “thanks for all the money, I’ll take him to the emergency vets – if I need to”
so basically the money was for nothing. Great work again, sluggy!
Yep, I saw a post where she talks about now having money for a “potential” vet visit. So she didn’t even know if she would need any money but just didn’t want to let a good premise for e-begging go to waste. I saw one of her simps talk about how they want to send money to one of the rats for its pocket money. She’s clearly preying on the retarded.
Indeed, one minute it’s “he’s at deaths door, I need vets bills paid NOW” then the next minute she’s “going to take him to the vets if he needs it”. She’s a fucking fat wanker.
(rat looked totally fine on her stream, btw, it had maybe just had enough of her manhandling)