Damian Caynes is BACK!

You can back my latest book right here: https://shorturl.at/ZWrHm

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T. Rollin
25 days ago

I had no idea who this Damian bloke was until I saw this video, but my first impression is that he makes the Wotsit look good by comparison. That’s quite an achievement.

Last edited 25 days ago by T. Rollin
26 days ago

Damian, I have no idea who you are, no clue about your “projects” but if what you have been accused of isn’t true, then provide evidence, otherwise, stop, and re-evaluate your actions.

There’s nothing wrong with reasonably sharing your opinion and airing your grievances, but a line has crossed if your using someones deceased child to troll someone.

There’s nothing big and clever about it, and it takes very little effort to do.

26 days ago
Reply to  George

Too right.

If your gonna troll someone over their deceased child over the internet, you might as well move onto other such brave tasks like pushing a crippled person out of a wheelchair or steal a charity box or something.

You might want to evalute your life when it get to that stage.

26 days ago

How could you buy software for your children from BumSexFunkySpeculum?!?!?

Code Tapper
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

How could you troll someone with AI bollocks for having the common sense to walk away from you? Take down your stupid trolling posts and be a man for once, rather than the baby you are. Everything you do is one massive failure after another,.like your shitty e-book, your Hewson T-shirt, your crappy cracktros, your patreon failures, your stolen joystick design etc. The list of your failures is endless!

Sir Lloyd Wrinkleballs
Sir Lloyd Wrinkleballs
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

Hi there Damian FUCKING Caynes, the TROLLMASTER! You should know and remember me maybe? How about we dredge up your past? I still got everything on you and your Canadian waifu Michael Babcock. Even that little other Cunt Robinsson (I think he was named.) you and him ran with.

I got all the new things and from you previous mental episodes, i saved and recorded everyrthing, i am ready to put everything with you back up on the webserver past and present things about you. How about that?

You leave the poor family alone and leave the fuckign retor scene alone or we will have major issues and we wont hesistate the Damian Defamation League will be unleashed, we will contact people close to you and expose you for the asshole you are, the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE! So please FUCKER OFF

26 days ago

Family? I’m Damian of several Mafia families, and we have global reach, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Sir Lloyd Wrinkleballs
Sir Lloyd Wrinkleballs
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

Damian Charles Caynes, you are a delusional person we get that you are sick in the head and need medication. Smoking weed and meth is not going to help you. We have everything about you and you. You are a pathetic parasite that we will have to squash like last timem when you finally gave up and tried to say you had killed your self remember? The retro scene does not forget, it remembers

You are nothign but a 2 cent clown with a few fries short of a happy meal. Really please crawl back to your roachmotel and get a life and do some with thats left of it rather than be a asshat that no one likes.

For your own good and mental health please go away, Me and the others wont budge and leave you alone.

Hey is DamianCaynes.com free? Maybe we ought to put some dollars in to getting that domain?

Code Tapper
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

Playing Grand Theft Auto doesn’t mean you’re the mafia Lamo. You’re nothing but a meth-head druggie loser!

27 days ago

What the actual fuck? Maybe we should just destroy the retro community altogether!

27 days ago

I’m suing you for defamation Mr. Bum Fun.


27 days ago
Reply to  George

Actually Mr. Bumsex…

26 days ago
Reply to  George

Defamatory does NOT mean using Adult Swear Words you tool, it means shaming someone in the public arena to take down their business…

Code Tapper
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

So it seems that piece of shit Damian Caynes hasn’t taken the hint that he’s not welcome in any retrogaming community. And no Damian, you aren’t suing anyone. Take your fake takedown template (that you were too stupid to even fill in correctly) and your Photoshopped crypto screenshot and do the world a favour by swimming with crocodiles or something.

Code Tapper
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

No Damian,. you’re pretending you’re suing George. A big difference. Put your money where your big fat mouth is and sue him then!nBut of course everyone knows you’re full of shit and a complete liar. And you’re flat broke, so just sod off.

26 days ago
Reply to  Code Tapper

I just made $20kAU in five minutes from THREE NFTs, so get fucked elitist…

26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

yeah… I’m calling bullshit on that.

Code Tapper
25 days ago
Reply to  Geezer

Lamo waddles around like a cross between a morbidly obese duck and the hunchback of Notre Dame. The saggy breasts and pot gut just add to that picture that you can’t unsee. And the idiot didn’t even realise he was still “live” (to 0 people) – what an absolute loser!

Code Tapper
26 days ago
Reply to  fvretro

Who are you kidding Lamo? If you weren’t broke, you wouldn’t need to be doing Kickstarter scampaigns for dead people. NFTs are for idiots, so no wonder you pretend to be into them! Go back to the bridge you live under.

27 days ago

I’m fortunate enough to have never heard of this guy – what an absolute horror by the sound of it. Disgusting behaviour and we have now reached a point where nothing in the so called retro community surprises me anymore. Still as George says – sometimes scum needs to be called out

Last edited 27 days ago by Bigsky
28 days ago

I’ve never heard of this Caynes character, thankfully by the sound of what you said, but he sounds like a right piece of work. I shall make sure I give him a swift swerve if our paths cross!

I must be honest mate, while listening to the video I was also very much enjoying what looked like Bloodborne running with the 60fps patch/mod? I assume you have a PS4 running custom firmware then?

28 days ago
Reply to  George

Oh wow it’s ShadPS4?! That’s just blown my mind because the last update I saw for that, which wasn’t so long ago, Bloodborne was only getting to the title and character creation screens, and no further, but now it looks as good as it does in your video! That’s incredible. As you say they must have gone all out getting it to work that well, it looks amazing.

That bodes incredibly well for the future of that emulator, unless Sony go all Nintendo on it and get it shut down. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen.

28 days ago
Reply to  George

Same mate, Bloodborne is a masterpiece and easily my favourite game of all time. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve played through it, all bosses including DLC. Put it this way, I’ve beaten Orphan of Kos on one playthrough on 99 insight. God knows what NG cycle that was on, I forget 😂

There was a time when it was the only game I could play. I’d try and play new games but none of them were as good, so I’d just go back to Bloodborne again lol. Eventually I just forced myself to stop and put it back on the shelf 😂. A true masterpiece in every sense of the word.

Preston Thomas
Preston Thomas
28 days ago

This guy is the scum of the community and I just contacted any groups on Facebook that he is in to make them aware of him. I also linked to this video. If any of my children passed away and someone did that I would be paying them a visit no matter how far they lived.

Hopefully he can f**k off back down the toilet and never return.

28 days ago
Reply to  Preston Thomas

Absolutely. To do something like that is far beyond unforgivable. What an utter cunt.

Oh, and when looking into things it seems he also goes by the name ‘Damo’, but he’s NOT the Damo from the ST scene (which was a relief to learn as I met him way back and he seemed a decent chap then – and still is I presume).

Last edited 28 days ago by Lucian