BARCADIA – Come get some!

Nostalgia nerd throws down the gauntlet to any wannabe vegans who can tolerate being in the same space as a self-serving, narcissistic ferret who desires nothing but to part them from their money.
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1 month ago

Nobody cared here as well, except someone taking the piss.

1 month ago

Nobody was interested 🙂

Indie Games Night at Barcadia
byu/Slowmadism inNorwich

1 month ago

What has rose tinted spectrum done? I like his stuff, well when he does anything.

1 month ago
Reply to  George

Hundreds of accounts you say? That reminds me of someone!

2 months ago

Oh, and I’d gone away from Larry’s vids while TopHat was involved, but will go watch him again now.

2 months ago
Reply to  arnoldroland

I’ve not seen a video from him for ages. His last one was 7 months ago wow.

2 months ago
Reply to  George

I meant Larry hasn’t done a video for 7 months. I never watched the Top Hat Tw@t.

2 months ago

Not Rose Tinted as well. Fucking hell. Is there anyone left to watch? 🙂

Frisky Dingo
2 months ago
Reply to  arnoldroland

RTS has gone off the rails. Starting out with that faux “oh I’m becoming quite well known, oh I’m not deserving, I’m just a silly man” to hanging out with Violet Berlin, to being divorced (possibly because he was sniffing around Violet Berlin) and now going full tilt toss bag, most recently indulging in that awful habit of screenshotting comments on his videos that he doesn’t like, and inciting some kind of rallying response. The latest example being him getting in an argument about “shovelware” where he was completely and utterly in the wrong.

2 months ago

Some* **

(*If we’re actually open)
(**All food is subject to availability)

They don’t seem to have any permanent menus, so God knows how they actually get their scran.

“Cauliflower Steaks are on the menu this week since Tesco had a load of them on the knockdown counter”

1 month ago
Reply to  George

Wrong as usual. Barcadia has plenty of food options if you bothered to visit. You are relying on outdated and incorrect information for these videos you claim you research. You need to take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror George.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 month ago
Reply to  RatNerd

Yes, we’re all relying on the (allegedly) outdated information on the Barcadia website and the very little, vague content he posts on social media platforms.

Given one of Peter’s past entrepreneurial successes was a website design business, the Barcadia website is disappointing.

I have no interest in visiting. Why would I? I’d need to plan an overnight trip at great expense for the sake of being able to pay to play a few (possibly broken) arcade machines, overpay for drinks and not eat. Not to mention that after I’d bought my train tickets and booked accommodation, he’d change the opening hours.

Instead, I’d go to Slice + Dice and Retro Replay.

This is not trolling. It is constructive criticism. Take a business course.

Frisky Dingo
1 month ago
Reply to  RatNerd according to the Barcadia website itself, the only food menu available is by way of the pop-ups that temporarily visit.

1 month ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

And no up to date information on when.

And before they say “But there’s too much to do, we’re busy”, well you should have thought of that before you opened a bar.

It’s no wonder Sam did a runner, she probably was doing all the work for both establishments.

1 month ago
Reply to  RatNerd

Plenty of food options, 24-26th of May is on the website. 4-6 days out of date.

People travelling from far away will check website first. Now if the site is out of date they won’t know if there’s some other food event on or not will they?

1 month ago
Reply to  marccarran

If you were an actual customer of Barcadia and not a troll, you might make more sense. Instead you just come off as unhinged, bitter and jealous.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 month ago
Reply to  RatNerd

You come off as immature bigot of negligible intellect, RatNerd.

George being a little bitter and unhinged is part of the entertainment.

1 month ago
Reply to  RatNerd

A business calling people trolls, oh my. What company is ever going to succeed if they talk to the public in that manner?

“In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online”

Being critical of a business and how it is run meets the above definition in what way?

2 months ago

Is “Come get some”, a Duke Nukem reference?

2 months ago
Reply to  George

It definitely is a Duke Nukem phrase, but if that was intentional or not, I dunno.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bert

It is. Although I think he should widening his reach rather than narrowing down his target audience to middle aged 486 owners

2 months ago

Maybe he’s trying to get LGR to visit.

2 months ago

Kim really needs to take a fucking good long look in the mirror and sort herself out. Shes a fucking disgrace and really owes herself a better life. People in the street and people who where in the restaurant in the picture probably looked at her and felt repulsed and sorry for her as do her so called friends in the circle jerk.
If she needs a wake up call here’s a picture that should do it for her because it really does speak volumes. If you don’t see it check out the lass in red and the guy on the right THAT silent exchange of looks says it in spades…

2 months ago
Reply to  George

Fucker must have wind, hes actually got what looks to be a smile on his face.