Ruminating on ZAXXON

Zaxxon isn’t a game I’ve played a lot at all, but I’m going to get into it!

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6 months ago

When I was a kid they had a Zaxxon cabinet in the cafe of my local leisure center, they always had 2 machines in there and used to change them fairly regularly, this was the closest we had to an arcade where I lived.

Anyway back to Zaxxon, we were all blown away with it when we first saw it due the eye catching graphics, but I guess it was a case of style over substance, it was difficult but too frustrating to give it that “just one more go” factor, I don’t think many people played it after that initial buzz. I Think I only ever got past the first space section a couple of times, not really a game that does much for me to be honest.

I think a lot of Sega’s early efforts are pretty naff often relying on gimmicks over gameplay.

I keep meaning to check out Viewpoint – I’ve got it on the Megadrive mini 2, it looks like a similar sort of game only better.

6 months ago

Never got on with this game but I must say that the video was wry, irreverent and relatable – I cried and laughed. Then played stargoose for a bit (it’s not better but it was my first foray into the world of this type of shooter).
And I wouldn’t waste time moving the videos to the new server or whatever. especially if they’re already on your patreon. Just do what you enjoy doing, mate.

6 months ago

Always liked this game and I particularly like the basey sound effects and the scatter when your ship explodes. I can manage levels okay – I find shooting at the walls to gauge your height a good strategy- but always struggle on the space bits as you can’t do this. Those swooping fighters are a bitch! Ever played Super Zaxxon George? It’s even quicker!

6 months ago
Reply to  George

It was pretty impressive to be doing that sort of view in 1982. That said, Star Wars arcade was only a year later.

Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom was 1982 as well, that’s pretty impressive too graphically. The origins of Sega’s super scaling ideas perhaps?

6 months ago

No drama to report George? Been too quiet here of late!

6 months ago
Reply to  George

I was hoping to see something happening from HMRC about Barcadia and their overdue confirmation statement. Then I noticed they sent notification for strike off for his other Past Productions company, but he must have had a go at them as they cancelled that. But still hasn’t sent the info across.

6 months ago

It’s one of those games which can be hard to judge height and position for. Or you press the wrong direction for up/down.

6 months ago
Reply to  George

I remember buying Leviathan for the Amiga which is a sort of Zaxxon variant, except you can slow down and turn around.