Ruminating on ZAXXON

Zaxxon isn’t a game I’ve played a lot at all, but I’m going to get into it!
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When I was a kid they had a Zaxxon cabinet in the cafe of my local leisure center, they always had 2 machines in there and used to change them fairly regularly, this was the closest we had to an arcade where I lived.
Anyway back to Zaxxon, we were all blown away with it when we first saw it due the eye catching graphics, but I guess it was a case of style over substance, it was difficult but too frustrating to give it that “just one more go” factor, I don’t think many people played it after that initial buzz. I Think I only ever got past the first space section a couple of times, not really a game that does much for me to be honest.
I think a lot of Sega’s early efforts are pretty naff often relying on gimmicks over gameplay.
I keep meaning to check out Viewpoint – I’ve got it on the Megadrive mini 2, it looks like a similar sort of game only better.
Never got on with this game but I must say that the video was wry, irreverent and relatable – I cried and laughed. Then played stargoose for a bit (it’s not better but it was my first foray into the world of this type of shooter).
And I wouldn’t waste time moving the videos to the new server or whatever. especially if they’re already on your patreon. Just do what you enjoy doing, mate.
yes mate I think that’s going to be the way, really, it just takes ages to do each one and with no way to batch it’s a real pain. People whine about it but, at the end of the day, the Patreon isn’t going to break the bank and there are hundreds of videos on there including a lot of exclusive things so I think it’s more than worth the money. I think the thing people are confusing is “an actual site with costs” vs “youtube”. Even with YouTube, yes, the hosting is free but taking time to create content takes time out of people’s lives, whoever is doing it, so there’s an inherent cost in that I suppose? People are too used to clicking their fingers and getting what they want. It’s a shame but it’s the way the world is. People are conditioned not to think of the actual time it takes to do things “Oh, it’s only moving over a few videos can’t you get on with it?” hm, it’s about 500 videos each of which takes about 20-30 minutes to prep/upload/tag/thumbnail etc. And, as stated, they’re all on Patreon. “Oh, but I don’t actually deem your stuff worth a dollar a month despite bleating about wanting access to all of it NOW. Excuse me while I go to Starbucks”. Sigh.
Always liked this game and I particularly like the basey sound effects and the scatter when your ship explodes. I can manage levels okay – I find shooting at the walls to gauge your height a good strategy- but always struggle on the space bits as you can’t do this. Those swooping fighters are a bitch! Ever played Super Zaxxon George? It’s even quicker!
no mate i’ve never played that, i’ll have a look. i do think zaxxon was ahead of its time, it looks a lot better than most games that were around at that time. i think the space section would have been better if it involved dodging stuff or something more befitting the engine/controls. the space fight is pretty crappy and feels cheap when you get killed as it’s hard to know what’s what. After some time I’m sure you’d get used to it but it feels somewhat arbitrary and unfair to begin with, which isn’t good for players.
It was pretty impressive to be doing that sort of view in 1982. That said, Star Wars arcade was only a year later.
Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom was 1982 as well, that’s pretty impressive too graphically. The origins of Sega’s super scaling ideas perhaps?
No drama to report George? Been too quiet here of late!
bits and bobs but I’m not feeling up to it a lot of the time mate had my own dramas to deal with of late :-/ I’m sure I’ll report on something sooner or later!
I was hoping to see something happening from HMRC about Barcadia and their overdue confirmation statement. Then I noticed they sent notification for strike off for his other Past Productions company, but he must have had a go at them as they cancelled that. But still hasn’t sent the info across.
It’s one of those games which can be hard to judge height and position for. Or you press the wrong direction for up/down.
yes the wrong direction thing got me a few times. I think I remember firing at the walls to figure out the height in the past, but it took me a bit to recall here. the main “bad” point about this game is the spacefighting in between levels, that doesn’t work very well at all. I think the rest of the game is pretty cool!
I remember buying Leviathan for the Amiga which is a sort of Zaxxon variant, except you can slow down and turn around.