BARCADIA: Breaking up is hard to do.

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1 year ago

Barcadia no longer does food. Website has a “menus” link but there’s no food.

Ace Grace
Ace Grace
1 year ago

Latest is, NN is having to sell items due to not being paid by a sponsor.

Rumour has it that the Atari Falcon on ebay was donated.

If I had donated it, it would have left a pretty bad taste in my mouth even though it is now his.

I assume his planned museum is going to be lighter on items now.

Everyone has their moment in the sun as they say. Is this further proof that people are getting tired of “retro youtubers” and their recycled content?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ace Grace

Wow, he has an ebay account under his name? I wish I had the money so I could claim it was broken and leave negative feedback 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

He’s even flogging his Mega 65. That was sent to him too? talk about a guy clearly in some financial trouble.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ace Grace

Very sad to hear about the agency problems. And that happening at a time when the shareholder structure of his business has had to change and he’ll also be facing some hefty energy bills. I’m sure you’ll all join with me in supporting him with our thoughts at prayers at this very difficult time.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChinnyVision

That kickstarter + sponsorship boost of >£25,000 should keep the wolves from the door for a while seeing as only 30p was spend on plastic tat to hand from a wall.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

The whole thing says “low effort cash grab” to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Such a pathetic man he is. Doing it to get revenge.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChinnyVision

He was obviously paid to plug something on his channel and then the advertiser didn’t see the returns they expected and refused to pay.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  ChinnyVision

As pub landlords always say… “oh dear, what a pity, never mind”.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Ace Grace

So… That £25k went where?
I wonder how many ‘agencies’ he works with? It’d be a pity if he stopped creating videos due to a shortage of sponsorship.
At least he’d have more time to work in his pub.
Maybe he could help Louis with it’s book?

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

She’s like George R R Martin, has loads of free time for everything, except the actual day job of writing books.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Nah, Martin has actually proven he can write a book – several, in fact. The Octopus has thus far shown no such proof.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

True. Was more referring to the lack of focus on the important things.

1 year ago

Only two reviews, one very honest review which shows the place is not suitable for families:

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Oh and got to love the rankings:

#93 of 96 Pub in Norwich
#400 of 464 Restaurants in Norwich

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

That’s odd. There were many more before.

Look at the state of the food!

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yep, but I think Trip Advisor is probably a little more respected when it comes to eating out etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

That’s possible, Lord Bum. I didn’t take notice of the previous site and assumed it was tripadvisor, as that’s pretty much the default to check for reviews here and spammed to the top results. Rolling through the search hits and I find diddly squat. Even this Breaking Up video appears on the second page already.

Roll on the companies house updates and annual returns to see where that 25 grand went.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

May 2024 seems like an eternity away. Barcadia opened in May 2023. If I was cynical I’d say they opened in May to allow for the maximum amount of time before people get to see the accounts.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

The change or directors, shareholders etc, should happen quickly. I made a change a few weeks ago and, despite going through the acc’s, it was reflected within two days. Sam is clear of the mess. Comp-house shows she resigned Nov 23.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

Very interesting. It’s clear there was something going on behind the scenes with Sam knowing how to run a business and Peter trying to pretend like he’s the successful one and she should do what he says. Plus who knows if there was more to this relationship than just business.

Anyway. They’re both kinda in competition with each other now.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

The old “sprinkle some coriander over the microwave food” approach. Not saying it is microwave food, but still, it doesn’t look like much effort went into it.

Loaded fries? more like dirty protest fries.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

It could be grass cuttings for all we know.

1 year ago

Anyone else see this on Twitter? No one has replied to say yes……
Only three reposted it.

1 year ago

interesting to see a fair amount of criticism against nostalgia nerd’s latest video in the comments, another one scripted by octavius and rather obviously so, and at least one person asking about barcadia too

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I spotted it ages ago. I wondered why his videos suddenly were crediting loads of other people. I pretty much unsubbed when started making all these videos about haunted BBC micros and other nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  ccad

Started watching the video and it’s awful right from the get-go. Making bald assertions about how it was “easy” to get into the video games business back in the 80s – what? And then footage of him *stroking* his Commodore 64 and Spectrum? Urgh. Plus his voice has managed to get more irritating – he has zero charisma, he sound bored and – because it’s not his own script – he can’t even read it out with a natural rhythm, wrong emphases all over the place, like he’s an AI voice. Utter dreck. At least his older stuff sounded a bit more authentic, and like he had some basic interest in what he was talking about – this just sounds like what it is, something he hasn’t put any effort into himself, just got someone else to write a script and he’s read it out and that’s it? Oh, and STUFFED to the brim with awkward, badly edited sponsor segments.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

yes, the narration is very bad. he is so bored of all the things he has to read, there’s no interest there. also very stretched-out, like he had a time quota to meet and not nearly enough material to work with.

1 year ago
Reply to  ccad

As soon as there’s a convincing AI that can read in your voice he’ll be using it.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Wasn’t easy at all. Many people said they started out without assemblers and other tooling. Some devs poked all their code into RAM and then risked the computer crashing and losing it all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Exactly. I’ve interviewed enough of the developers from back then to know it was hard in all kinds of ways, there’s the stuff you’ve listed, but there was also the shocking, cut-throat commercial side where publishers would outright steal games submitted to them by young coders. It happened a ton of times, and there was no contractual protection – a lot of them were teenagers and they were taken advantage of, as publishers knew there was little the teen coders could or would do. The idea that it was this “easy” world where anyone with a bit of coding knowledge could get a game published is just nonsense. He would know, if he’d ever actually spoken to anyone who was around back then.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Yep and don’t forget there was no online forums, docs or sites to ask questions on. You had a book and if that wasn’t clear you had to experiment. In my days of coding music software on the Amiga I read the Amiga OS reference guide to find out how to do things and that was never totally clear. I’d often go take a nap and try again (I didn’t have a surfboard controller to guru meditate on) and eventually I’d get it right. That wasn’t even in machine code but C.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

NN and others are why Wikipedia is full of inaccuracies.

1 year ago
Reply to  ccad

I’m stunned he has so many subscribers. His channel never comes up in a recommended feed, so I had to sully myself and search for it. And those comments… Geeze, talk about crawly bum-lick.

1 year ago
Reply to  abone

I reckon most of the people writing those comments are from the US – probably explains why Barcadia flopped so badly, he was counting on all his YouTube fans flocking through the doors, but no matter how much of a fan they might be, your average American isn’t going to fly all the way to Norwich in the UK to play on some dusty old arcade machines and chomp down on gunky fries covered in glacé cherries.

1 year ago

The most suspicious part about this is the lack of details or reassurance going on.

It’s all well and good telling people that plans have changed, but is there a target date for the bar to be open? If not, will you be providing us a update at a sooner date?

We can accept that things change, things happen, oversights occur, problems arise, even if you do the most meticulous planning, but the very least you can do, is reassure people, inform people, not leave them out or the cold or at least let people know what’s happening next.

That fact that they have done of this, is quite telling.

I don’t expect them to give answers that they don’t have, but they could at least tell people what is happening now, even if it’s just stuff they are looking for or researching.

Since they said that the bar is still going to open even if the Kickstarter worked or notz then I’d be asking further questions… about almost everything.

The very very very least amount of work they have to do, is make sure the bar meets health and safety regulations and to pay the rent and the electricity.

Ideally, you would want a big fanfare opening, but if that unrealistically looks like happening anytime soon, then just open the God damn thing and when your ready to refurbish, sart doing a bit of work here and there before opening, leave the big stuff till later on and close for a day or two perhaps.

I didn’t mention staff wages for a reason, if Peter really wants it to work then he can do some free shifts until he find more permanent staff.

Ah well… Your guess is as good as mine over what they actually have planned.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  marccarran

The problem is, as evident in his “I’m Sorry” video, Peter didn’t expect to work in his own bar.

Nobody wants to work in hospitality, particularly for an arsehole. Shit hours, shit pay, shit work.

If he didn’t have his head so far up his own arse, Peter would have known this. He’s so far out of touch with reality, likely exacerbated by the fact he hasn’t had a job in years.

He’d be better off getting himself a job as a greeter at Tesco. Except he’s underqualified.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

He’s like Jeremy from Peep Show when he was asked to run a pub “I’ll literally get paid to go to the pub” and then Mark says something like “You’ll be cleaning the toilets, handling the debit card payments” or something like that haha.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Just wait until he gets Octavius involved, rats running around the kitchen.

1 year ago

Man the online scene is grim.
Nerd takes 25k for something or another for a Norwich pub.
Vega plus just takes everyone’s money and just piss it up the wall.
Ashens mate takes money to open a pizzeria and that never happens but has a lovely new kitchen.
Octopus or whatever she is now called has taken money for a book that has not been completed in several years.
Retro hour podcast want money for transcripts for old podcast interviews.
No wonder people are tuning out, they have had enough.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boingalot

Did I miss any?

1 year ago
Reply to  Boingalot

Begging for donations to then open without any interest, gratitude or acknowledgement to the sender; then nonchalantly throwing them all in to the pile ready to be dumped on their ebay stores?

1 year ago
Reply to  Boingalot

Wasn’t there that failed actor / “retro” YouTuber who started a gofundme because he and his other half were having a baby? Just pure, unbridled e-begging.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

It was an Amazon wishlist, but still an e-beg.

1 year ago

Well, this is interesting… on 10th November – just 8 days before the “we’re splitting up” announcement, this was the update on Barcadia’s kickstarter page:

“Hey folks,
Thank you so much for bearing with us. We’ve had the majority of the surveys back now, and can now fulfil outstanding rewards (if you haven’t done yours, hurry! 😁).
Membership Cards 💳
For those waiting for memberships, updates should follow next week. You should then be able to come to the bar, collect your card and be good to go! If you are unable to collect your membership card, then details on that will also follow.
Merchandise 🧿
It’s been more complex than expected getting hold of books, and we’ve had some delays on Barcadia merchandise. However, books should start being sent out next week, with merch details to follow.
Spriters Resource 🕹
If you haven’t replied to your survey photo, please do. The graphics for these are getting created as I type.
VIP Event 🦹‍♀️
For those waiting for a VIP event, an email will be sent out asking you for more details asap.
I think that covers it off for now.
I plan on doing a wider video that will update you on Barcadia fully, along with footage of the “Wall of Game” firmly in place.
Thank you for bearing with us!
Much love, Peter, Sam & The Barcadia crew”

They were still signing off as “Peter, Sam & The Barcadia crew”, and there’s all that talk of the Wall of Game, membership cards, merch, VIP event etc. so what happened to all of that, then? Seems very suspicious that only 8 days after posting this, the Slice+Dice breakup was announced…

1 year ago

George is like some kind of calamity prophet, this has all played out EXACTLY like he said it would. From the moment that cringey launch video came out (with best mates Ashens, Dazzz and co.) George was on the money. He said it would fail, and fail it has – taking £25k of other people’s money with it, and nothing to show for it. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if Barcadia gasps for cash a few more times before the death rattle finally sounds. I fully expect a “Save Barcadia!” appeal before this is all over. More fool anyone who pledges money to that, if so.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

These days it’s hard to find any niche which will mean a lot of footfall. Do younger people go out more than us mature retro gamers? I expect they do.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yeah, I mean nobody really wants to walk into a bar full of us olduns. Starts to look like a retro game working mens club 🙂

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

Congratulations on your Kickstarter, George.
It is fantastic that it has succeeded without nonsense, unlike the subject of this video.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

So excrement has finally reached the fan blades, then.

1 year ago

I’m Peter Leigh. You might know me better as Nostalgia Nerd; I make videos on YouTube about old tech and the companies behind it. You might also be familiar with Stuart Ashen (Ashens) and Daniel Brown (Dazz from Did You Know Gaming and Spriter’s Resource fame), who also make YouTube videos.

We’ve each come from slightly different walks of life, and indeed slightly different eras, but we’ve all held a passion for two things; Retro Games and Death Metal. We also all happen to live in Norwich, UK and get on with each other rather well. So, with this in mind, we decided to hatch a plan; a plan that focuses heavily on Retro Games and Death Metal music.

Each of us has longed to not only listen to music, but actually make it too, for so long. The reasons are numerous and complex, but it essentially boils down to the fact that we want to not only pick the most expensive instruments to play, but also create a nostalgic noise that feels just like those bands and groups from long ago.

With this in mind, it would feel ridiculous to keep all this to ourselves, and so we want to share it with the world.

But we want more than that. We want this band to be the de facto sound of Norwich, and we want it to have a vibrancy and appeal that conjures the social feelings of old for our current selves. To that end it’s going to be a Retro Gaming Death Metal band. Yup, that’s right, we want to take over the world.

We will have Ashens on the drums, Dazz on the Triangle (and Twitter), Dan Wood on (cheesy) vocals, Octavius on harsh vocals (and book writing), and of course ME, your hero, on lead guitar (and wood work).

It’s going to be amazing and we can’t wait to bring you many multi-platinum Retro Gaming Death Metal albums, it’s going to be be so much fun. We’ve got absolutely no musical experience but who cares, right? We just need £25k to buy; a drum kit, a triangle, a Twitter blue tick, a Marshall Amp, several microphones, some make-up and a recording studio. Not a lot to ask I’m sure you’ll agree. Although we don’t need the money to do it, ok, but it would be really great to replace the book money Octavius has blown on rats and wine. Love you all. Norwich rules.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Thy art is murder’s vegan side project.

1 year ago

I’ve noticed a trend on the Retro Hour of late, it is Dan boasting about how much money he’s been spending. The latest was on renewing all his conservatory furniture. Doesn’t sound like a podcast that needs help from the listeners to survive does it?

1 year ago
Reply to  George

On last weeks episode he said the Nintendo Switch technology is basically a decade old. It came out in 2017. 6 years is only just over half a decade.

The Bear
1 year ago

But how can it be closing… it had all those good reviews from all those people that ‘were not directly connected to the bar/owner’

Never mind, we at least got to see Daz’s stickers, the Wall of Fame, and Ashens regularly appearing…

He surely hasn’t buggered off to setup a duplicate museum copying Neil @ RMC in every sense though……

1 year ago

Looks like they’re open today with a 2-for-1 cocktail deal. The rat king even posted a picture of himself in the bar itself cracking a joke. Incredible. This is like that “everything is fine” meme only no one is laughing.

1 year ago
Reply to  RUSH

Nothing says “success” like having to concoct lots of offers to get people to visit.

1 year ago

Great video, the imminent demise of Barcadia was almost as predictable as the Vega+ debacle!

As soon as Ashens etc started to distance themselves before it even opened, and they dropped the bombshell that they intended to make what was already a niche interest bar into even more of a niche plant-based vegan offering, the writing was well and truly on the wall.

As George says. Add in a head-in-the-clouds hippy ‘built it and they will come’ mentality, relying on someone else to put up the cash and do the work, and it was obvious where this was headed.

Looks like we’re all going to have to look elsewhere to get out marshmallow-fries hungry mitts on some overpriced vegan retro gaming action!

The Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Not the first time Ashens has been linked to a kickstarter for a business that suddenly dissapeared with the money and no trace of many of the rewards (wheres the wall of fame, The People Pizzaria, Ashens Star wars night with Barry Lewis…).

No we haven’t forgotten, and this kind of thing on the internet tends to come back around soon enough.

Ace Grace
Ace Grace
1 year ago

It will be interesting to see the accounts for Slice and Dice next year to see if the £25,000 debt this year has disappeared.

Reading between the lines I suspect they have fallen out due to Peter not working/reducing the hours and Sam probably realises that it will be in massive trouble soon and so wants out. I don’t blame her.

Peter meanwhile (as per his Sorry! video) appears to have set his sites on Neils idea of a museum and probably thinks he can replicate it. The trouble is, Neil has done really well and it appears to be on a firm footing.

It really irritates me that there will be no apology about Barcadia’s eventual demise and also other members of the circle jerk won’t say a word.

Slops won’t feature it in one of his videos and Ashens etc.. seem to have disappeared into the sunset despite using themselves to promote it.

This should not be forgotten.

The Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Reading between the lines, she kept the good staff from Barcadia, as well as the investment, but I suspect it wasn’t just Peter’s attitude to playing bartender, nor the poor quality products on sale that kept people away.

The fact that there are better arcade offerings in town + better gaming cafes killed Barcadia from the launch onwards, likewise the location in the middle of the pub, lapdance area of the city, in a previously notorious pub kept the families away instantly.

Add to that the fact that Peter isn’t really the liked youtuber he thinks he is, meant that he couldn’t rely on subs to fill the till to pay homage to him. I’ve spoken to Vegan food bloggers who decreed they wouldn’t set foot in the place, due to the distance/offering/prices and couldn’t make the trip work due to no other facilities nearby to justify their travel costs to investigate.

And as for the sudden appearance of Octy back into his arms while Sam seemed to be away from the bar, casts a shadow of suspicion that their relationship may have soured when she found out something. after all his efforts to not advertise the bar on social media, nor local press showed that he was trying to shut both it and his connection with Sam as fast as possible, and return to his previous exploits…

1 year ago

Despite living in Norwich, I haven’t been paying attention to Barcadia, but I also can’t say I’m the least bit surprised by this news. As many have said on here previously, it’s the wrong type of business, serving the wrong type of food in the wrong part of town. It seemed like an ill-fated, poorly thought out business from day 1 and I guess the (vegan) chickens are now coming home to roost.

1 year ago
Reply to  UnixAnt

And another thing. If Barcadia is no longer serving food, then that means they have two remaining areas to attract punters: real ale & arcade machines. Good luck to them (sincerely, as they’ll need it!) getting a foothold as a serious ale pub in the literal City of Ale. That’s not going to be easy, as Norwich has an abundance of exceptional ale pubs – the city is famous for it. This means their arcade machine business really needs to shine. But with both Retro Replay and the Albion Games Cafe in close proximity, it’s going to be one hell of an ask to get people through the doors on the gaming draw alone. I’m not sure I understand what Barcadia is doing differently now. How are they going to embrace change and move forward? What is their gimmick? What is the attraction? If I were a backer, I would be furious…

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  George

No gimmick or attraction? You’re forgetting about the ten quid’s worth of fake plastic vines from Poundland, to give Barcadia a unique “jungle” theme.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

10 quid? That’s 25 grands worth of plastic artisan vines you hater and troll you!

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

More bungle then jungle.

Al Kuk
Al Kuk
1 year ago

Be interesting to find out what the money was spent on. He did say that the project would go ahead even without the money, so why was it needed?
Where was the jungle theme?
The food didn’t seem to be done well, unlike Slice n Dice which sounded as if some effort had been put into creating a menu. I hope Sam manages to untangle herself from the financial implications and wish her well.
Can’t help but feel some business collaboration between NN and Octavius coming along at some point

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Kuk

It was clear that Barcadia’s food must not be the same as Slice + Dice or the businesses would be in direct competition in effect. So the food for Barcadia was created to be a “Pub snacks” type menu.

I can only imagine that Pete wanted fancier food it there’s a lot of money to be made on food vs drinks. So perhaps that’s what the new direction is?

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Kuk

“Can’t help but feel some business collaboration between NN and Octavius coming along at some point…”

Yeah. She could include a chapter on it in her long-awaited (crowdfunded) life-story book!

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  GtB

They deserve each other more than ever now. It’s clear they are very much alike.
I hope Peter gets help before he ruins another person’s livelihood. Given his track record, I expect he won’t.
Hopefully there is now enough unflattering information on the internet for a cursory search to uncover, should anyone else ever consider him as a business (or life) partner.

1 year ago

Great video Code Tapper and George.

Do you know where backer can get a refund?

And will the UK retro gaming YouTubers who backed and promoted this to the hilt offer up apologies for being complicit in this obvious scam?

1 year ago
Reply to  George

That’s the sad thing George. They’ll play dumb and claim it’s such a shame it didn’t work out, but in reality they’re not pig thick idiots, they’re ruthless cutthroat business people who only care about themselves and how much money they can make.
Fake tears and fake commiserations videos are on the horizon.

1 year ago

I’m sure he’ll blame the government, his MP etc.. and it’ll be due to challenging business conditions. Lets face it, if it was a viable business the pub wouldn’t have sat empty for a few years.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I completely agree mate. My description was a bit of a stretch and thus yours is more on the mark.

1 year ago

There is no ‘refund’. All of the crowdfunding sites are designed to take the risk from the creator and put it onto the backer. Thus people like the nerd take advantage of this ‘free money’.

It was a ludicrous scheme anyway. If you were backing a product I could at least understand people taking a punt. But backing a pub they’ll probably never visit? It’s not like donating to a sanctuary for sick donkeys 100’s of miles away where you can at least feel like you did something to help something in need. It’s just some shit off the internet who didn’t fancy being told ‘no’ by his bank manager or taking any risk himself.

And he’ll be back with a ‘I tried my best, it was everyone else’s fault’ video followed by another grift that people will throw money at.

The 50/50 business split will prove interesting. Will he buy her out? What with? What happens to the shares if she’s just walking away? Hmmmmm. I’d ask our resident accountant but he spends his Sundays watching episodes of Doctor Who where the companions wear short skirts so we’ll have to wait until he’s back in the office.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChinnyVision

You can be a “silent partner”, someone who has shares but not input in the business but usually less risk as well. But as we know, the shares aren’t exactly moving around as expect already.

Companies house says no changes yet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Odd to put out a statement saying there is no connection when legally there is. And what about the other partners that were mentioned in the Kickstarter? Still not showing up as legal shareholders. The whole lot is a shady mess and whatever happens that 25k has vanished somewhere. Needs someone to go full Roger Cook on him but sadly this kind of behaviour is so common these days that few seem to care. Want to see him door stopped. “Roger Cook, Central television. Mr Weasleface Nerd, where did the money go?”