Ridge Racer Revolution is NOT a worthy successor!

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1 year ago

Agree with the sentiments here George – I bought RR revolution back in the day and have always thought that gameplay wise something is a bit off with this one. As you say – the track design didn’t help either. The graphics are more polished though from the first game, and theres loads of unlockable cars if you persevere. Nowadays this would be released as dlc as opposed to charging top dollar as a proper sequel as they did back in the day

1 year ago

Thanks for the video as per, George. I’m going to go with a slightly different perspective, however. Yes, Revolution was quite a disappointing and lackluster release when considering the very minor improvements over the original title and absolutely not worth the money upon release – I’d say (now) that it’s worth binning off the original game and jumping straight to Revolution. It’s essentially just a better version of the original game with slightly more content. You get the rear view camera which is nice, you get two additional vehicles, the Drift Contest mode, and two-player support via system-link. Admittedly, the latter may not be of any interest to many people and required two consoles of course, but for me it certainly added value as my dad and I would jump on this regularly. This is a fringe case scenario obviously, and I’ll be the first to admit it’s mostly nostalgia talking. It’s very much an iterative upgrade instead of a full-blown sequel though. At the same time, for anyone who hasn’t played or spent a lot of time with the original I’d recommend Revolution over it. I find little to no value in the original game these days outside of the historical value.

With regards to cutting through the pack, the AI and such are supposedly identical to the original, and I agree it’s a game ultimately of wasted opportunity. That said, the tweaks made to recovering from an error are very much welcomed, as you pointed out. But yeah, while it’s hard not to feel disappointed in this release – I’d still say it’s the best way to play the original game.

Appreciate you sharing your thoughts! It’s been a genuinely nice little series of videos, seeing you go through this franchise. I realize many people are drawn to the drama and all that – but it is refreshing to just hear you share your thoughts on games from time to time, so for what it’s worth – thank you. Have a good weekend mate!

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Totally fair mate. Can’t even refute much of that haha! I think we’ll agree to disagree, but something I’m sure we can both agree on – the series only got better from here on out!

1 year ago
Reply to  George

From what I recall it was just the two human racers. Of course, we are talking well over two decades ago haha! Few games used system link, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Revolution was used as a means to push the cable accessory.

1 year ago

I find this entry to be the worst game the franchise has to offer. I’d rather play Rage Racer, and I’m no fan of that entry either. The PS1 entries were either hit or miss. Ridge, Rave and Type 4 are the PS1 entries worth playing, while Revolution and Rage are best ignored.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Indeed, you’re right, George. Rave never made it out of the arcade. Just checked my PS1 collection and found no trace of it. So I stand corrected. I do recall a PS1 port being announced back in the late 90s before we got hit with Rage Racer. Last time I played Rave Racer was via emulation on PC.