KICKSTART Discord, where truth is not welcome

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I’m convinced that George is really Tommy Tallarico.
Why can’t Rabbi speak for himself?
Is he literally so little, without Dan Wood and Neil from the RMC speaking for him?
Have none of these talentless hat rags learnt nothing from The Wotsit/LD/THGM?
Deleting comments, banning people who call you out, has absolutely no effect.
It doesn’t rewrite history, wipe the slate clean, make people instantly forgive you, it simply exposes you for the shrews you are.
Own your mistakes, ask for forgiveness from the community you constantly ask so much from, wanting them to fund your lifestyles.
ravi is a spineless little liar, simple as that. just like the rest of them.
“Breakout is a similar game to Tetris” – Ravi Abbott (from the episode with Mark Knight/TDK) 😀 I just had to laugh.
Hello, crew of retro gaming hour, man cave, Neil, Ravi Dan and all you other useless cunts there, you seem to read what’s being said on this site so I’ll address yo here. Do you, self appointed spokesmen and representatives of everything retro honestly find replies like “Hi mom” and “yawn” in any way witty or funny? See, THIS is your problem, guys. It’s not even your grifting or scamming it’s THIS – you’re EXTREMELY boring and trite. Which would be Okay if you presented new and interesting information but you don’t even do that. You should take these words “Human colostomy bag” and “TV tanned wanker”, print it on shirts and wear it with pride because that’s the most fresh and entertaining thing your totally pointless “careers” have accidentally produced. See, as it is you have nothing new information or entertainment wise to add to the table. You’re pointless, you’re not even colostomy bags, those have a purpose, you guys are one big pointless shit factory. You should worship George for keeping you relevant.
well this is the thing mate. nail on head. they’re boring as fuck. they’re all on borrowed time. Do they genuinely think they can make a lifelong pursuit of talking in an insipid, uninspired and uninteresting manner about video games whilst also being comedically crippled ? the “gags” these people deploy are akin to those used by an 11 year old that’s ANNOYING AS FUCK. they’re just parasites who’re in the place they’re in because idiots put them there and they’ve hoodwinked people into thinking that by following them off a sheer cliff they’re somehow part of a “community”. it’s all bollocks and they wouldn’t piss on these people if they were on fire. as neil recently asked geezer regarding the ravi situation “is there anything I can do?”, lol, no there’s fuck all you can do, you insincere, useless husk of a man. what the fuck are you going to do ? you just keep offering these completely empty offers of help and stand with the scumbags that worship you. fucking arsehole.
Have you seen Dan’s Wikipedia entry?
You can always tell when someone pens their own page. Hilarious.
Why does he even have a page? there’s people way more deserving who have had theirs deleted for not being “notable” enough.
The edit history for his page has a lot of changes by user “DiskDoctor”, you just know that’s Dan.
Someone called “Raviabbott” added a link to a page called “The Retro Hour”.
It’s not Facebook or LinkedIn, boys.
…which was deleted for “Unambiguous advertising or promotion”.
such a self serving little parasite.
“The article Dan Wood (broadcaster) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Non-notable broadcaster lacking non-trivial, in-depth support.”
Shame that’s been pending since 2017.
It reads like an obituary. Must be the media training.
You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Discord.
Mmm. Special sauce.