The House of the Dead Remake reviewed sleepily

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Max Levin
1 year ago

Hate to hear you’ve fallen I’ll with a nasty cyst, here hoping for a speedy recovery. Kind dad you have.
About fans sending you stuff: I’ve thought of making a Funky Spectrum drawing for you in ZX Spectrum-format. Problem is I don’t know what you’d want to see(maybe you wheeling over Lady Decade’s head like in Toxic Avenger, or something), and Multipaint is still crashing on my Wacom-pad. I can be a heathen and draw a C64-picture in Pixcen though?(!)
Take care, mate.

1 year ago

Thanks for uploading George – I’ve been wondering what the HOTD remake is like – looks good and I’m going to check this one out (maybe not on switch though). Anyway, hope you also get well soon mate 😊👍

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

It doesn’t look too bad really. I was watching it thinking “They’ve changed this around” but then realised most people played the second one and haven’t seen the first as much, myself included.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I think it came out on the Saturn back in the day, so not many people had that machine.