Geezer Games – AGA Kickstarter – The Madness Continues
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GeezerGeezer Games – AGA Kickstarter – The Madness Continues|

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The Retro Hour needs to rename to the Kickstarter hour. They’re plugging this one this week, what an awful design. Joysticks are held in the hand, this is an ergonomic and RSI nightmare. Using arcade parts sounds good but I can tell you that I have the same parts on my arcade cab and the stick travel is too long. Nothing like a zipstick or competition pro.
fucking joke mate for £140 lol what a bunch of fucking parasitic wankers. 2 buttons ? lol fucking amazing. how stupid do they think people are ? i can’t believe ANYONE has put up money for this. pricks !
I 3D printed a competition pro style case and fitted in some arcade parts.
He’s in Norwich too. The centre of the retro game universe 😀
To be fair the price isn’t that far off the mark, of course he will have stuck some profit on top of the costs. The Joystick isn’t that bad actually but the body could do with being more ergonomic as for the guy behind it his heart is in the right place and hes not over stretching i cant see it ending up as another UniThor but i’ll keep an open mind,
Yeah but it’s barely anything different to Monster joysticks, did it really warrant a plug on the Retro Hour?
Well its quite simple m8, The only time Neil plugs anything is when hes either getting a kick back or hes got his finger in the pie.
Retro Hour (Dan, Ravi, Joe) not This Week in Retro.
But Neil was sponsored by Monster joysticks for ages. Surprised the Monster energy drinks people haven’t come after them with that name. But then I suppose Monster Munch got there first anyway.
i made an enclosure box style joystick like this for a train game mate it has 2 two way levers for speed and braking and some other buttons, it’s fine for that but for an amiga joystick this is a very bizarre shape i would say !
The sales pitch they were doing on the podcast was just pathetic. Wow you can make one of the buttons act as a jump button and up on the joystick then still works. As if the concept of wires, switches and diodes is alien to them.
yes mate i saw my friend explain that to people about remapping emulator controls on the nintendo ds lately as someone had said they didn’t like “up” for “jump” and he just showed them how to map “up” to what’s called a “button”. they were aghast. honestly people are fucking weird. well, most people are weird. the retro hour people are BASTARDS.
I like hearing from the guests when the guests are actual retro games devs. But the hosts criminal lack of knowledge is irritating the crap out of me now. This week Dan said something like “I didn’t know Parker Brothers were involved in the games industry”. Oh not much, only one of the most popular 2600 games called The Empire Strikes Back!
mate they’re fucking pondscum retards who just started that absolutely shit podcast for the sake of THE GRIFT. a podcast is defined by its hosts as much as guests, and these hosts, even though there’s a bunch of them, are basically mongoloids.
Another week and another “I’ve just got back from a show in Poland”. I bet they never did any of these jollies before they did the podcast. And once again, no report of what went on at the show etc.
no mate they just twat around like wankers begging to be recognised. all these cunts just float about in each others detritus, bubbling around on the surface in a pool of their own combined feculence. nodding at each other and using their self created “status” as some means to lord it over others inside their own heads. awful, awful bastards.
On this weeks interview with the coder of Montezuma’s Revenge the guest was talking about something like the greatest thing in their career and Dan says “apart from being on the retro hour”, I just had to roll my eyes at that, what a joke.
yes mate they really have tickets on themselves. “apart from being on the retro hour” WHO ? i would have just hung up on them at that point LOL
That thing will be a nightmare to use….very retro I guess lol
Almost as bad as holding one of those awful Cheetah sticks, the alien head, bart simpson ones.
Believer in what ? Paying for information that has been free for years. He even does not understand that to many people a user name is more important than a “real” name
Crikey, the Minimig is ancient. It is so old as to be retro now?
Well, it seems like there’s a newer minimig about. But I honestly thought everyone had dumped that for the MIST and then the MiSTer.