Geezer Games – Thoughts on the Amiga Global Alliance Kickstarter

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1 year ago

That WTF art reminds me of the MAD games artwork, the £2.99 Mastertronic games.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

Geezer Games has put out another video with more info about the Kickstarter (including a raffle that appears to be against KS terms) and David Pleasance had a tanty on FB, which has led to equal amounts of people disavowing the Amiga Global Alliance and people gobbling Dave’s knob. Gotta love some good old fashioned Amiga community drama.

1 year ago

Thanks for creating this video. You’ve done a great job of summarising the whole debacle so far.

David P needs to learn to ‘read the room’ before he launches these sorts of schemes in future.

You might be on to something in regards to it being a cover for shifting a load of his dusty books. Sorry, that’s not fair on you, that’s not what you said, nor did you imply that in your video. That’s purely my own view based on what I’ve seen so far….. so I’m probably wrong.

1 year ago

Sometimes I wonder what he’s been doing since 1994. It’s nearly 30 years ago and he must be retired by now?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

i can only imagine he’s been drinking, from the state of this delusional nonsense.

1 year ago and are available for £20

T. Rollin
1 year ago

This gives me hope. After 25 years, there’s finally something that all the tribes within the Amiga community can all agree on.

1 year ago

Great overview of everything that’s wrong about this grift and mirrors George’s views on the subject as far as I can see. As someone who’s not really that familiar with the current Amiga scene nowadays, it speaks volumes to me as a layperson on the subject that someone with the pedigree and reputation of Geezer Games (and who has been fully invested in the community), has such contempt for this. That’s a big read flag in my view – it’s the likes of Geezer and the dedicated developers / community themselves who are the true heroes of keeping the machine alive, not some old marketing bloke with a few war stories looking for his next shilling.

1 year ago

Cracking video mate. This project is the epitome of money for nothing. Having a one-stop shop of curataed links to Amiga resources for those who can’t be arsed searching is one thing, but building a team around this concept then charging for the privilege of keeping it running is an absolute piss take…

1 year ago
Reply to  UnixAnt

WordPress or a wiki page. Job done.

People have huge repair wikis with loads of very lucrative info for free. So why do we need to stump up cash for an Amiga one?

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Louis Rossmann’s repair dot wiki is a classic example. He could keep his MacBook repair expertise locked up behind a paywall to try and protect his business, but he’ll give anyone all the info he possibly can just so he can get more people fixing their own stuff and maybe even starting their own businesses to fix other people’s stuff.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

Yep, it was the Rossmann one I was thinking of, but wasn’t sure everyone was familiar with his work.