Top Hat & Lady Decade – Stealing AGAIN!

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“Shit Thick” will always be a hilarious insult!!!!!!!
Brilliant 👏
Suffice to say I’m still not quite happy that less than a month into the year already, and the Varty’s (aka The Chuckle Brothers) have already been content stealing from myself again.
I suspect we’ll see more of the Talking head nonsense on the channels now since the majority of recycled relevant content from the THGM channel is nearing an end (and they won’t be plagiarising from associated channels).
Did you report the content theft?
You take that back now! Truffle hunter and Dicky are not fit to wash the chuckle brothers socks.
I don’t know who got you turfed off of YouTube but I bet they’ll rue that decision.
They have allowed you to reach your final and most powerful form!
Read it was Dom something or other, aka dvdfever.
Hardly surprising – deplorable piggy’s never change their spots! The only thing that does surprise me is how they continue to get away with it?
Jaysus, George your on fire today. Two tweets in a single day people will think im a bot.
are you tweeting about these videos mate ? if so thanks very much !
Yes m8, Me and Geezer tweet them out Simon, code tapper and few others tend to retweet and we throw in the Retro gaming hashtag in with them to get them seen. Im not big twatter user i have a few followers but every little helps.
it very much does mate thanks a lot !
Arseholes. Thanks for exposing this. Seems they just can’t help themselves. Born to grift.
it’s an absolute disgrace mate and as long as they keep stepping in shit i’ll keep complaining about the stink. they’re a couple of utter cunts just solely in this for the money. richard and his lying ways ably illustrate that then we’ve got this deluded dumpling bringing up the rear with her grotbags esque “baddie” persona. what a couple of washouts !