Top Hat & Lady Decade – The PROBLEM with retro gaming in 2023 (?)

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The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago


Lady Decade yet again proving beyond all reasonable doubt, SHE is the problem with Retrogaming in 2023.

She covers the Atari Jaguar, yet again, same tired old narrative same complete lack of basic understanding on the machines architecture, same schoolboy errors 🙄

IBM manufactured sweet F. A,.

The contract they had with Atari was to assemble and Q. A test the bloody machines.

1 year ago

This was hilarious, sausages… Or trotters. I’ve only just found your website since you were booted from YT. Keep up the good work, not that I agree with everything you say, but in general you’re spot on.

Princess Rescuer
1 year ago

I’m an American retro gamer. I used to think Lady Decade’s videos about prototypes and foreign bootlegs were good, until 2022 when that laughable e-begging video came out. “Can’t afford to pay someone 500P” when she’s sitting in front of a wall of valuable boxed games. The “class” around her is absolutely fake. And she does not care about retro games, she married a husband who threw a Game Gear in a lake and recommended an emulation machine over it.

Kendall Knight
Kendall Knight
1 year ago

Spot on analysis mate. Kloe is a fraud. Always has been. Richard would still be in front of the camera had he not realized he can generate more views from simply whoring her out. Trouble is she’s already hit the wall and unless she does something drastic like breast enlargement surgery I don’t see how she is going to be able to keep the wankers satisfied past another 10 years.

It’s pathetic and I can’t believe the gall she has to sit in front of a camera and be critical of anyone. She is last person that should be passing judgement.

The problem with retro gaming is dunce people like her dilute the scene and create problems for the legitimate retro gaming content creators.

1 year ago

I somehow missed this video… Bloody hell, Those hands!
Tis the stuff of nightmares mate!
It looks like two pieces of uncooked gammon, Or maybe a couple of pounds of raw pork mince.
Has she always had them?
I’ll never sleep again after seeing those monstrosities!

At least the grunting and snorting loop had me crying tears of joy though.
Fucking awful woman!

Kendall Knight
Kendall Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  George

That stunt was more low hanging click bait fruit mate. She knows men love Chun Li so she squeezed her lard into a costume. Pathetic. Her so called channel is worthless. Why it is still functioning is beyond me.

Stevie Aaron
Stevie Aaron
1 year ago

Finally watched this one and I have no fucking clue what she’s talking about. I might not support baseball cap American but I understood what he was saying. This is just utter nonsense.

Been Playing games since before she was born
Been Playing games since before she was born
1 year ago

She thinks Gen X are “boomers” because she’s that ill informed. I’m full Gen X. Cut my teeth in the 80s on a C64 and then an Amiga 1200 in the early 90’s. There in my teens for the MD and the SNES. Had a well to do friend who had a 32X, Mega CD, and and a Jaguar. And a Neo Geo too come to think of it – I played Y’s when it was a current game.

Now he bought a lot of niche shite I was able to play first hand, often during it’s ill fated release. Do I know everything about those consoles? No, I don’t. Can I see she hasn’t got a f–king clue what she’s talking about? Yes I can. That’s not “gate keeping” – it’s purely being able to see A) she didn’t own or play any of them when they were current B) she’s so far out of her depth because of that it’s untrue.

Her and Tip Hat are Gen Z. At best. The consoles they try and talk about with authority via a scriptwriter were NOT what they grew up with. At best it was the Saturn and the PS1. The pair of them are tedious AF and this video is a joke on her part.

Spectrum User
Spectrum User
1 year ago

The way she points at people but three fingers are pointing back at her.

This is so ironic on her part.

Kay Goldberg
Kay Goldberg
1 year ago

My goodness. A misogynistic online lynching from old men with arrested development issues. I’m sure Adonis doesn’t have a look in. We’re discussing old video games, to put everything in perspective. Computer games. But the video content on this site in terms of sexism and homophobia constitutes hate crimes. Don’t reply to this comment or the full data pool will be sent to the authorities to deal with this in the courts. It’s 2023

1 year ago
Reply to  Kay Goldberg

What do you mean “the full data pool?”

1 year ago
Reply to  Geezer

Isn’t a data pool just a large collection of… BITS!! ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Kay Goldberg

We have a pool ? why did no one tell me my backs been killing me.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay Goldberg

You’ll need to log a ticket with the platform owner if you’d like to raise a grievance with one of their creators.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Never mind that George. We have a pool ?

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay Goldberg

Ooops! Same IP addresses for all accounts I guess?

School boy error. But handy data to have if you are in control of the platform I should imagine.

1 year ago

Just took a look at the truffle hunters twatter feed and been met with You’re blocked, I have never posted on her twatter feed so i guess shes seen my posts about Georges videos.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago

The problem with retro gaming in 2023 for my and my husband is that we’ve been found out.

Simon Butler
1 year ago

Howdo George.
I’ve taken a few pops at this myself on Twitter and got lambasted by someone who is obviously one of her “followers”.
Obviously, since their script writer has leapt from the good ship E-Beg and swum swiftly for safer shores, the Despicable Duo have been desperately trying to put some form of a band-aid on the content problem.
Going back through other people’s videos seems to be the way. RGT 85 did his “Retro Game Collecting in 2022 is stupid” video in July of last year. I think this is the one she is referencing.
This could be something to watch, especially when they go “off-topic” and do their more personal videos.
Well, at least when she does them because Richard as we know is refusing to do his on-camera style videos due to his spine turning to jelly and having to hide away behind the capacious skirts of his wife, who seemed to find it necessary to sit behind a desk for some potentially visually slimming reason perchance?
I too was baffled at how the topics of this particular video managed to bagatelle about from pillar to post with nary a sensible point being made at any given juncture.
I was waiting for her to explain about the “PARALLEL” she noticed and made reference to, but unsurprisingly she never returned to that vapid thought again and like some bloated budgerigar on amphetamines simply rambled about whatever word that mistakenly strolled into her cabbage-like head.
It truly was a monument to someone who gives zero shits about games, has no true passion for them and could not, even if held at gunpoint speak with any real knowledge about any of the games they pretend to hold so dear.
I know they stick to their guns on the topics that seem to work best for them financially, but when she says which consoles should never be mentioned for fear of “gatekeeping” I did think it would be entertaining to see them attempt to do that very thing.
It would be a fascinating exercise to see either of them speak with any authority or passion about one of the 8-bit computers and some of the titles that they hold in any regard and expand on what exactly these games mean to them and why.
Simply reading cobbled-together snippets from Wikipedia and a myriad of other “informative” sites about Zelda or one of Richard’s fighting titles does not make you entertaining.
Making a verbal collage of other people’s information does not mean you know what you are talking about.
If they could make an appearance at an event perhaps and give an off-the-cuff thirty-minute talk about certain aspects of gaming outside of the normal fodder from their channels then they could genuinely claim to be gamers and/ or game aficionados.
The chances of that ever happening are about as likely as Kieren Hawken winning the Booker prize or being invited to any of the major Retro Gaming events as a guest of honour.
Still, kudos for staying hot on the tails of the loathsome Vartys my friend. I am certain that this tale will drag on for some considerable time and not end well for the terrible twosome and rightly so.

1 year ago

So ive finally managed to watch the full video and as per the usual George “is on point”. I watched her video in the wee small hours after she released this and she thinks shes made something gold but in fact shes opened up shown her current mental state and game plan for 2023. This video is aimed right at you George and to your fans and all those on twatter who are vocal and rip her and her ilk apart on a daily basis.

Twatter for instance Simon, code tapper to name the people who pop up on my feed constantly rip The wotsit, Lady decade and many other grifters a new one over the shite they pump out with the half arsed production, grammar and copy and paste content. Then there are those that post on her videos calling out the grift and then you with this website and all the followers who for the most part we’re all in our 30s,40s and 50s that’s why she went after the ZX spectrum(and other computers of the time) fans.
That’s what the boomer reference was all about little does she know we’re Gen X for the most part(It seems there’s been a lot of twatter posts in recent months saying how Gen X where the last best generation. I know i respond with how Gen X gave the world the internet and most of the tech we have now and how we’re just better equipped to deal with life than the later generations and they should all be thankful.. I just like to watch people spin themselves into a frenzy).

That’s her way of dealing with the age range who know what shes playing at and also the less likely to be funding her and dickys life style, i think her target audience is 20 and 30 year olds, the age range that has the most problem with incels and that age range like to use the word to quiet anyone who doesn’t agree and toe line their “No U” response.

Basically shes sorting and pigeon holing her fans , fortifying her defences getting them into line and teaching them her war cry “Ok Bo0m3rs” ready for the next time she needs to send her little simp army out to defend her grifting and IP thievery.

This is what her video was all about really nothing to do with RGT’s video she just used it to set the tone of the videos topic. All the grunting noises, faces, gnashing of teeth and strange behaviour in her video was the anger and frustration seeping out caused by their recent behaviour trashing their grifting enterprise they both know they fucked up and its costing them and also people like yourself, Simon, code tapper and others who pull them apart and show the community who they really are. Operation twatter cull isn’t working and because of this and the only option they have now is try and cancel(i fucking hate that term) you all and this is why this video was made but it also goes to show how desperate they are now. The plans to own a castle and be full time influencers has fallen apart and shes going to have to go back to work and that’s really stuck in her craw.

Anyway that’s what i get from the video and current behaviour ive witnessed on her twatter posts. Sorry for the long post i got a little carried away.

1 year ago
Reply to  u4ria

Babapapa was clearly baiting.

1 year ago

Thanks for another excellent video George. For a brief second I was worried you weren’t going to pick up on the Brent-like classic “within the greater sphere of the world”. But, yep, it’s the same old shit from Lady Decade. Her only motivation is greed. You can just picture the dollar signs in her eyes when she saw that guy’s opinion video getting views. If the things she incoherently rambled on about were such big problems for her that need to be called out, why didn’t she mention them before? (setting side the BS 2023 tag that’s presumably only there for the algorithm because it might make the video sound more current and relevant) Yet again she returns to the well of faux outrage and misleadingly implying that she’s somehow a victim. The sole aim is to squeeze a bit more money out of her audience of half-wit, white knight simps. I really don’t understand why anyone watches her videos, let alone gives her money. No knowledge, no insight, no passion, no charisma, no morals, no beliefs, no real opinions. She can barely read a poorly written, misleading and disingenuous script off an autocue. There’s just nothing there.

1 year ago

Still stealing content I see, quite a few times I saw snes footage that was TAKEN without request from some of my older videos.

Took time out to clip the ident, but to lazy to remove the second watermarks.

Ironically if she’d asked like many others do I would have said okay. But nowadays I’ll just keep calling her out on it.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

So it’s at 3m03 in her video. Can you drop a link to your YT video and the time it’s shown?

Chubby Chaser
Chubby Chaser
1 year ago

You could probably tone down the fat shaming a bit, but the rest of the video is solid gold.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago

The sad thing about all this is that their children have to live with this
For the rest of their lives.

All on record for evermore. An unless supply of bullying material for their school years. They are truly horrible parents.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago
Reply to  George

It’s sad mate. Their children are seriously down the pecking order when it comes to important things to the Vartys.

1 year ago

I fekin sat through her video gobsmacked the other night. Like ive said on twitter shes got some fekin stones. The mrs said she looks like a cabbage patch kid and my mind went to.

1 year ago
Reply to  u4ria

My mind went to…

1 year ago

Great video George, and thanks for the trauma! Just wow – I will never be able to unsee Lady Dickhead’s transformation into Pigsy from the old Monkey TV show! You need to add a trauma warning on the thumbnail mate 🤣🤣🙈

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yep George – poor old Pigsy was just misunderstood – unlike this awful trout and her husband. The level of dishonesty, cynicism and hypocrisy in this video alone tells the audience all they need to know sadly

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

Definitely not (either) Pigsy. More like the parents in Spirited Away.

1 year ago

Lol, trex sized rantosaurus there, George. And those freeze-frames… Imagine that appearing under the covers between your legs.

It’s funny that they believe deleting their posts is actually removing them. The data will still be present in the DB and be available to any data request that is authorised to them. Say, discovery in a lawsuit, internal query, or one of the plod agencies. It’ll only be public facing page building code that’ll check for “deleted” status to not select it. I’d be very surprised in a remotely large and modern system doesn’t have at least user_id, IP_address, client_agent, and the date-timestamp logged against every “delete”. They could probably learn all this in a GDPR type request, or whatever the equivalent is these days.

1 year ago

Superb video George as usual. I’m going to have to create a GIF of that loop cos it’s fucking Gold mate!

1 year ago
Reply to  George
1 year ago
Reply to  Geezer

I can that turning into something bigger, perhaps with a pile of money in front. Brilliant.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bone

Was just thinking the same thing ha ha – someone’s definitely going to put a pile of ill-gotten cash in front of her on that gif. Pure gold