We need to talk about Commander Keen

King of the rat simps, Commander Keen, needs to sort his life out and get a hold of himself, basically. He’s enabling someone to basically destroy their life as he funnels his money into ensuring that they don’t need to have one. All very sad, all very delusional and all very calculated on the part of a certain very lazy and vampiric person who’s happy to take advantage of him.

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3 months ago

How much is he giving her?! This is mental and must be teetering on dangerous territory. Sarah may soon need Kim to perform bouncer duties.

3 months ago

Unfortunately this looks like a non-relationship relationship that can only really be ended by the recipient, and given what’s been discussed (and I hope this isn’t the case with regards the house purchase) they may at this point be too afraid to do so from a safety perspective (never mind the money involved.. which then brings into play all sorts of ‘patriarchal power’ wielding etc) … Anyway, I’m probably looking too deeply into this. I hope. Either way these rumours or whatever the basic truth is is worrying and, as you said, are not going to help this person in the long term.

What I’d say to oct/sarah/louis or anyone reading this on their behalf is; break this loop and do something for you worthwhile to YOU, Money’s great and all that but aside from having enough to live a comfortable life it’s not what to aim for.. No, I don’t have a lot financially but I’m happy enough.. ok, yes I’d be happier with a jet-pack capable of time travel and the ability to buy a giant tit full of beer, but I make the best with what the world provides.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lucian

Chocolate mousse and rat bills don’t come cheap.

3 months ago
Reply to  George

In a rare case of foresight, getting used to living in a rat-infested environment early will cushion the blow when the donation pot finally runs dry and the sewer looms.

3 months ago
Reply to  George

Lets face it, if she could afford to buy a house it would get wrecked and stink.

3 months ago

Does anyone know what this guy looks like? Could it be some sort of dodge to just increase numbers watchers so they can get more from sponsors?

3 months ago

Nitpicking here, but it’s Id as in Idiot, not I.D. software. As for the main subject, couldn’t care less really. There will always been people who are stupid with money.

3 months ago
Reply to  George

I just was lost for something to say about the topic. But did you see the news about that weirdo who was going to kidnap Holly Willoughby? Looks like a bit of a CommanderKeen type.

Isaac Hunt aka Mike
Isaac Hunt aka Mike
3 months ago

I am new to the parteh, but can only assume this person has self harm issues, loves rodentia and has this head band I want to remove and ram it down her self pitying throat.

I’ve had my fill of the self pity, the sheer bollocks that comes out of her mouth, and that isn’t her first rodeo either.


I’m an old fan George, I’ve been away for a while and would like to remain anonymous but have lots to add to the the whole parteh.

3 months ago

Censored on funky spectrum!!! What the fuck did you say?

This deserves an award. Surely?

3 months ago

There’s nothing like censorship to make you want to know what was said even more.

3 months ago

I have never seen a twich channel like it with the amount of gifted subs flying around

3 months ago

Someone mentioned he bought the house over the road from where she lives. I don’t know how true it is, but if it is that’s fucked up. But then as you say Keen and Octys lets call it a relationship is fucked up, Like two black holes devouring each other in a gravitational violent embrace slowly culminating until only one…. Void remains.. It’s, it’s so close now…

3 months ago
Reply to  George

I would like to believe the person behind it is on the level but still it could be a lie but going off the history and how deep these fuckers dive i would not be surprised if it is true.

3 months ago
Reply to  George

No m8, It’s true ive had someone else tell me he bought it so when he comes to visit the UK he has somewhere to stay. The house is rented out to a couple who don’t have any children so he can use the small box room at the front of the house.

Also he posts envelopes with fivers in them through random letter boxes on the street. Peter got a little upset about him buying the house because of his insecurity that shes not going to clubs and other places with large groups of people in attendance with other men other than him and some Aussie bloke.

Last edited 3 months ago by u4ria
P. Ness
P. Ness
3 months ago
Reply to  u4ria

Given she’s allegedly been assaulted in the past, this would surely be crossing an intolerable line. This is stalking.

Of course, that’s if any of it is true. Maybe we’ll know when we get to read her book?

3 months ago
Reply to  u4ria

 If that is true, then it is extremely concerning   

Isaac Hunt aka Mike
Isaac Hunt aka Mike
3 months ago
Reply to  u4ria

It this black hole you mention like a chocolate starfish… if so count me in. I’d watch as I love dogging.

P. Ness
P. Ness
3 months ago

It wouldn’t be much fun. It’d be Sarah with Peter in his Renault, both screaming for money to prevent them from crawling up each other’s voids.