Fox Hunt Arena 2600 homebrew

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T. Rollin
10 months ago

I think a few commenters are being a bit harsh on the poor old Atari 2600. The thing is nearly 50 years old and this comment would almost fill its entire RAM. It’s a miracle it can run anything more complicated than Pong imho.

10 months ago

As much as I like playing old games / systems (more than new games really) the Atari 2600 stuff is always the exception for me – I generally just find the games too basic and not much fun nowadays. This looks really great though – thanks for uploading George – I’m definitely going to play this one. Reminded me of bezerk on first look, but it’s actually quite different and looks fiendish! 😊

10 months ago
Reply to  George

Nice one – cheers! 😊👌

10 months ago
Reply to  George

That’s a shame – boulderdash is a great game 😊

Señor Moon
Señor Moon
10 months ago

I saw ‘The Boys Next Door’ recently…you remember the little dog they stole at the beach?
Boner the Barbarian!

10 months ago

Love a good film about people hunting people. By coincidence i re-watched Battle Royale just last night. Classic. You’ve also reminded me of a straight-to-video film with Ice T called Surviving The Game that i must have rented several times from Blockbuster.
Btw, funny you mention going into a room in a video game and just standing there not doing anything. My niece used to do that and i always wondered what was going through her head. Thanks for the vid anyhow mate.

10 months ago

Congrats George. I normally vomit on the spot when I see Atari 2600 footage, but somehow your reviewing style allowed me to stay vom-free, and I didn’t need to ask the neighbour to kick the stool away from under me. Excellent work.