Sega Ages PS2 – Outrun :/

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1 year ago

The thing with Out Run is it wasn’t really a game as such. Well, unless the game was to just complete a route. But there were multiple routes and I guess the addictive nature of it was just about seeing all the routes. It was just about the technical marvel of the engine and speed. Once you move into dedicated 3D hardware which can do that at a breeze and 3D is the norm it loses its appeal.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

This is the gaming equivalent to one of those shitty reboot movies Hollywood makes.

1 year ago

Can only agree with the sentiments here – how Sega themselves could make one of their most colourful and iconic games look so drab, depressing and low budget is astonishing. It’s looks like it was completed by a team who had no love or passion for the source material – or perhaps it was done by one of those AI’s we keep hearing about? 🤔😂

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I had a PS2 and I was naughty and copied a few games, this is one I never saw, heard about or anything.

1 year ago

Open up, it’s the piiigs…

Hello Neil!
Oh hi Warlock, or should I say Nigel from Eastenders.

Come in man, take the tit off your head!

PS – agree mate, the game is soulless. Not a patch on the original.

1 year ago

Can’t believe you managed to play this for as long as you did, George. I only managed a few minutes before I had to fuck it off. The game itself was done on the absolute cheap as it was part of Sega’s less than budget range in Japan, and it clearly shows.

1 year ago

Totally agree George, this game really lacks any sort of soul. I may be wrong but I think the aspect ratio is fucked.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Coast 2 coast is where its at for modern Outrun!